Recent Commercial Posts

Commercial Storm Preparedness: 9 Useful Tips For Properties

5/27/2024 (Permalink)

A commercial property after being boarded up for a storm preparedness. SERVPRO professionals can help you avoid storm damage!

Expert insights and practical steps to safeguard your commercial property from storm-related damage.

Storms can be unpredictable and devastating, posing significant threats to commercial properties. From severe wind damage to flooding, storms can disrupt business operations and cause extensive property damage. Business owners must prepare for storms to minimize damage and recover quickly. 

This blog post will explore the importance of commercial storm preparedness, offer practical tips for protecting your business, and highlight how SERVPRO® expertise can be invaluable in restoring properties affected by severe weather.

Why is commercial storm preparedness important?

Commercial storm preparedness is essential for several reasons:

  • Minimizes Damage: Proper preparation can significantly reduce the damage caused by storms, protecting your property and assets.
  • Ensures Business Continuity: Preparing helps your business continue operations or resume quickly after a storm.
  • Protects Employees and Customers: Storm preparedness measures help keep everyone safe during severe weather events.
  • Reduces Financial Impact: Effective preparedness can lower repair and restoration costs, protecting your bottom line.

Common causes of storm damage to commercial properties

Storm damage can result from various factors, including:

  • High Winds: Strong winds can cause structural damage, break windows, and scatter debris.
  • Heavy Rainfall: Intense rainfall can lead to flooding, damaging the interior and foundation of the building.
  • Hail: Hail can dent roofs, break windows, and damage exterior surfaces.
  • Lightning: Lightning strikes can cause fires and electrical surges, damaging equipment and infrastructure.
  • Falling Trees and Debris: Storms can cause trees and large branches to fall, resulting in significant damage.

9 tips to prepare your commercial property for storms

Preparing your commercial property for storms involves proactive measures and regular maintenance. Here are some practical steps to safeguard your business:

Conduct a Risk Assessment

Perform a thorough risk assessment to identify vulnerabilities in your property. Evaluate the potential impact of different types of storms.

Create an Emergency Plan

Develop a comprehensive emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, communication protocols, and employee roles and responsibilities. Ensure all staff members are familiar with the plan and conduct regular drills.

Install Storm-Resistant Features

Invest in storm-resistant windows, doors, and roofing materials. These features can provide additional protection against high winds and flying debris.

Secure Outdoor Items

Bring in or secure outdoor furniture, equipment, and signage to prevent them from becoming projectiles during a storm. Trim trees and remove dead branches to reduce the risk of falling debris.

Maintain Proper Drainage

Ensure that your property’s drainage system is functioning correctly. Clean gutters and downspouts regularly to prevent water buildup and reduce the risk of flooding.

Backup Important Data

Protect your business data by regularly backing up all critical information. Use cloud storage or off-site backups to ensure data is safe, even if your physical location is damaged.

Review Insurance Coverage

Review your insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for storm-related damage. Consider additional coverage options for specific risks, such as flooding or business interruption.

Install Surge Protectors

Install surge protectors and rods to protect your electrical systems and equipment from lightning strikes and power surges.

Develop a Continuity Plan

Create a business continuity plan that outlines how your business will operate during and after a storm. Include alternative work arrangements, supply chain management, and customer communication strategies.

A recent storm preparedness success story in Atlanta, Georgia

Last year, SERVPRO was called to assist with severe storm damage in Atlanta, Georgia. The property had been extensively damaged, and a crucial part of the local business community faced significant challenges, including broken windows, roof damage, and interior flooding. This situation highlights the importance of storm preparedness and the effectiveness of SERVPRO’s professional restoration services.

Upon receiving the call, our SERVPRO team quickly mobilized to assess the damage and develop a comprehensive restoration plan. The commercial property required immediate attention to prevent further damage and ensure business continuity. Our action plan included:

  1. Emergency Board-Up and Tarping: We promptly boarded broken windows and applied tarps to the damaged roof to prevent additional water intrusion.
  2. Water Extraction and Drying: Our team used advanced water extraction equipment to remove standing water and deployed industrial-grade dehumidifiers to dry the affected areas thoroughly.
  3. Structural Repairs: We conducted necessary structural repairs to restore the building’s integrity, including replacing damaged windows and repairing the roof.
  4. Content Restoration: We carefully cleaned and restored salvageable items, including office equipment, furniture, and essential documents.
  5. Mold Prevention: Our team implemented measures to prevent mold growth, including thorough drying and antimicrobial treatments.
  6. Business Continuity Support: We worked closely with the business owners to develop a continuity plan, allowing them to resume operations as quickly as possible.

Our swift response and expert solutions addressed the immediate damage and helped the business quickly get back on its feet.

What should you do when a storm damages your commercial property?

Immediate action is crucial when dealing with storm damage to your commercial property. Start by ensuring the safety of all employees and customers. Contact a professional restoration team, like SERVPRO, for a thorough assessment and prompt restoration services. While waiting for professional help, secure the property to prevent further damage and document the damage for insurance purposes.

Wrapping up

SERVPRO’s reputation in storm damage restoration is built on swift response, advanced technology, and skilled professionals. We understand the complexities of storm damage and the critical role of preparedness in protecting your business. Our team is trained to handle complex scenarios, ensuring efficient and effective restoration.

SERVPRO for storm damage restoration offers more than just repair services; it provides peace of mind and long-term protection for your business. Our quick response, cutting-edge techniques, and customer-centric approach make us a trusted ally in navigating the challenges of storm damage. With preparation and the support of SERVPRO professionals, your business can weather any storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Following these tips and relying on professional expertise can prepare your commercial property for storms, ensuring a safe and resilient business environment. Whether you are dealing with the aftermath of a severe storm or planning, SERVPRO is ready to help with comprehensive storm preparedness and restoration services.

Window Damage: 10 Effective Prevention Tips For Your Property

12/25/2023 (Permalink)

A detailed scene of the aftermath of a car crashing through a storefront window. SERVPRO is ready to help combat window damage!

Implementing our prevention tips can significantly reduce the risk of window damage, safeguarding your commercial property's structural integrity and aesthetic appeal.

In the dynamic world of property management, safeguarding your investment against unforeseen damages is paramount. Window damage, often overlooked, can pose significant threats to commercial properties. 

This comprehensive guide delves into common causes of window damage, outlines practical strategies for prevention and repair, and highlights SERVPRO® expertise in restoring properties to their pristine condition.

What are the signs of commercial window damage?

Identifying window damage early on is crucial in preventing further deterioration. Common signs include cracks or chips in the glass, difficulty opening or closing windows, drafts, and window leakage. These issues compromise the building's aesthetics, structural integrity, and energy efficiency. Regular inspections can catch these problems early, ensuring a quick response that mitigates future risks.

When does insurance cover window damage?

Navigating insurance coverage for window damage can be complex. Generally, commercial policies cover damage from unforeseen events like storms or accidents. However, damages due to lack of maintenance or wear and tear might not be covered. It's essential to review your policy details and consult with your insurance provider to understand the specifics of your coverage.

10 tips to prevent window damage

Preventing window damage is critical to maintaining your commercial property's structural integrity and aesthetic value. Here are several effective strategies:

  1. Regular maintenance checks: Schedule routine inspections of all windows. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, warping, or seal deterioration.
  2. Prompt repairs: Address minor damages immediately before they escalate into significant issues. Small cracks or chips can quickly develop into more significant problems if neglected.
  3. Weatherproofing: Apply weather stripping or caulking to seal gaps and prevent water infiltration, which can cause damage over time.
  4. Protective measures: Consider installing storm windows or shutters to shield against harsh weather conditions, such as hail or high winds.
  5. Quality window materials: Invest in high-quality windows with enhanced durability. Double-pane windows, for instance, offer better insulation and are more damage-resistant.
  6. Landscaping and exterior design: Ensure trees and shrubs near the building are trimmed regularly to prevent branches from breaking windows during storms.
  7. Educate staff and tenants: Inform staff and tenants about the importance of window care and establish protocols for reporting potential damages.
  8. Install window films: Protective films can reinforce windows, making them more resistant to impacts and scratches.
  9. Professional assessments: Utilize the expertise of professionals like those at SERVPRO for comprehensive evaluations and recommendations tailored to your property’s needs.
  10. Emergency preparedness: Have a plan for securing windows in the event of an impending storm or extreme weather conditions.

By implementing these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of window damage to your commercial property, ensuring a safe and visually appealing environment for your occupants.

How does SERVPRO handle window damage restoration?

SERVPRO's approach to window damage restoration is meticulous and customer-focused. Our team of skilled professionals uses advanced technology and techniques to assess the damage and execute repairs effectively. We prioritize safety, quality, and efficiency, restoring your property's integrity with minimal downtime. Our comprehensive services include everything from initial damage assessment to final cleanup, offering peace of mind to property owners.

The SERVPRO team was promptly called to the scene when a commercial property in Alpharetta, Georgia, recently faced significant window damage due to a severe hailstorm. Upon arrival, our experts conducted a thorough assessment, securing the area with tarps and boards to prevent further damage. We efficiently repaired the damaged windows with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, restoring the building's safety and aesthetic appeal. This swift and professional response minimized disruptions and highlighted SERVPRO's commitment to excellence in property restoration.

Wrapping up

Though often underestimated, window damage can have a far-reaching impact on commercial properties. Recognizing the signs of damage, understanding insurance coverage, and implementing preventive measures are crucial to protecting your investment. 

In situations where damage is unavoidable, relying on the expertise of SERVPRO professionals guarantees a swift and effective restoration process. Our commitment to quality and comprehensive approach to property restoration make SERVPRO of North Fulton the go-to choice for commercial property owners. Protect your property's value and appeal with SERVPRO's trusted services!

Nursing Home Water Damage: Avoid The #1 Most Costly Mistake

2/27/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage in a Fulton County nursing home. The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to restore the most severe commercial water losses!

Nursing home water damage can occur regardless of the care facility’s age.

Last month, the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton received a service call after a pipe burst in a nursing home in nearby Alpharetta. The building was built in the 1970s and suffered from poor plumbing repair and maintenance for decades.

Unfortunately, this example of nursing home water damage resulted in severe consequences because the property owner didn’t mitigate the resulting deterioration promptly. As a result, when our professionals arrived on site, we found that mold growth had weakened the structural integrity, creating hazardous conditions for the elderly and staff living and working within the facility.

Mold is one of the most common post-damage effects properties face when water isn’t removed in a timely fashion. The recent nursing home water damage has influenced the creation of this blog post because we strongly urge nursing home owners, facility managers, and staff to be aware of the dangers nursing home water damage can bring.

In the following blog post, we will address the key steps nursing home owners, facility managers, and staff should take to ensure the nursing home water damage does not cause severe consequences.

What is nursing home water damage, and what are the common causes?

Nursing home water damage is a type of damage that can occur in nursing homes and other care facilities due to water intrusion. Common causes of nursing home water damage include:

  • Leaking pipes
  • Faulty plumbing systems
  • Roof leaks
  • Overflowing showers or toilets
  • Heavy rainstorms and flooding
  • Fire suppression system malfunctions

When nursing home water damage occurs, it is essential to act quickly to prevent the growth of mold and other secondary damage.

Steps to take when nursing home water damage occurs

The professionals at SERVPRO have put together the following steps for nursing home staff to take when water damage occurs.

Step 1) Shut off the water supply if it’s a plumbing issue: Immediately shut off the main water supply to stop additional water from entering the nursing home. Shutting off the water supply line will help to prevent further property damage and save on costly repairs in the long run.

Step 2) Contact your property insurance company: Contact your property insurance company as soon as the nursing home water damage occurs. The sooner you contact your insurance company, the greater the chance that the nursing home is covered for damages.

Step 3) Call a professional water restoration company: A care facility is no place for DIY solutions regarding nursing home water damage. It is essential to call a professional water mitigation company for the most effective and efficient water damage restoration solutions. A good team of professionals will:

  • Remove standing water: It is essential to remove any standing water in the nursing home quickly to prevent mold growth and other secondary damage.
  • Dry the affected areas: Once all the standing water has been removed, drying the nursing home using industrial fans and dehumidifiers as quickly as possible prevents mold growth.
  • Disinfect and sanitize the nursing home: Because nursing home residents are at a higher risk for infection and disease, it is essential to disinfect and sanitize all affected areas of the property after nursing home water damage.
  • Address any structural damage: Lastly, it is necessary to address any structural damage that may have occurred during the nursing home water damage.

The professionals at SERVPRO are here to help.

Nursing home water damage can be dangerous for older adults and staff alike because it can lead to mold growth, weakened structural integrity, and an increased risk of infection. Therefore, nursing home owners, facility managers, and staff must quickly mitigate nursing home water damage to prevent further property damage and prevent costly repairs.

The professionals at SERVPRO are here to help nursing homes address any water damage issue they may have using their expertise in removing standing water, drying affected areas, disinfecting & sanitizing surfaces, and addressing structural damages if needed. Taking proactive measures like checking for signs of water damage and calling the professionals at SERVPRO if it occurs can help ensure your home remains safe and secure for its staff and residents. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial water restoration services and how we can help you!

5 Great Steps to Respond to Hospital Water Damage

9/20/2022 (Permalink)

Hospital water damage in a Fulton County hospital The professionals at SERVPRO are always available to help you combat commercial water damage!

Hospital water damage situations require fast action to minimize damage.

Water damage can be a massive problem for any business, but it can be especially devastating for hospitals. Water can ruin equipment, furniture, and even floors and walls. Not only is water damage costly to repair, but it can also lead to mold growth.

Last month the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton saw the effects of water damage firsthand in a hospital setting and successfully mitigated the damages. The following blog post will go over how we were able to quickly mitigate the damages at the hospital in five steps.

Common causes of hospital water damage

Hospital water damage is not something to take lightly. There are many common causes of hospital water damage. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Burst pipes
  • Leaky roofs
  • Malfunctioning appliances
  • Flooding

Any of these situations can cause extensive damage to a hospital, not to mention the potential for mold growth. Therefore, you want to prepare for any water emergency with a response plan.

Five steps to respond to hospital water damage

Responding to water damage needs to be done quickly and efficiently to minimize damage and prevent mold growth. Therefore, when hospital water damage occurs, the first thing you should do is follow these five steps:

1) Turn off the water source if possible: The first step is to stop the water flow. Turning off the water source may consist of shutting off a broken pipe or closing a valve to prevent further damage.

2) Create a drying plan: Once the water source is shut off, it's time to create a drying plan. The developed drying plan will help to prevent further damage and minimize the potential for mold growth. 

3) Remove the excess water: After the drying plan is put together, it's time to remove any excess water. Water extraction can start with a wet/dry vacuum and water extraction equipment. It is essential to remove as much water as possible to minimize damage.

4) Begin drying the area: Once the excess water has been removed, it's time to begin the drying process. The drying process will include the use of fans, dehumidifiers, and other professional drying equipment.

5) Take action to prevent mold growth: In hospital settings, mold growth can be a severe problem. That's why it's so important to prevent mold growth. You will want to ensure that the water restoration company you hired has applied an antimicrobial to the affected areas to prevent mold growth.

Quickly responding to hospital water damage is essential to minimize damage and prevent mold growth. By following these five steps, you can be sure that you are taking the necessary steps to protect your hospital.

Tips for avoiding hospital water damage in the future

Now that you are aware of the common cause and the steps to respond to hospital water damage, you may be wondering how to avoid it in the future. Here are some tips for preventing hospital water damage:

  • Check for leaks regularly and repair them immediately: One of the best ways to avoid hospital water damage is to check for leaks regularly and repair them as soon as possible.
  • Invest in regular maintenance: Regular maintenance of hospital equipment and appliances can help to prevent hospital water damage.
  • Be prepared for storms: If you live in an area prone to storms, it's essential to be prepared. Having a plan in place for how to respond to storm damage can help to minimize hospital water damage.
  • Have a professional water restoration company on call: In the event of hospital water damage, it's essential to have a professional water restoration company on call that can quickly respond and mitigate the damages.

Hospital water damage can be a severe problem, but by taking the necessary steps to prevent it, you can help to keep your hospital running smoothly.

Make SERVPRO of North Fulton your go-to water restoration vendor.

As we mentioned earlier, the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have the experience and training to dry out your hospital and prevent further damage quickly. We have a water damage restoration process that we follow which is successful time after time. When you choose to contact us, we will help you with the five critical steps to take when hospital water damage occurs:

  1. Turn off the water source, if possible.
  2. Create a drying plan
  3. Remove the excess water.
  4. Begin drying the area.
  5. Apply an antimicrobial solution to avoid mold growth.

As an IICRC-certified firm, we have the knowledge, training, and experience to handle hospital water damage of any size. We understand that hospital water damage can be a severe problem, and we will work quickly to mitigate the damages and get your hospital back to regular operation.

Contact SERVPRO of North Fulton today if you are looking for a commercial water damage restoration company in Atlanta, GA, or the surrounding areas. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to help!

The 5 Most Common Reasons for Apartment Water Damage

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

Apartment water damage in a Alpharetta apartment complex The professionals at SERVPRO are always available for commercial water damage services!

Water damage can be a nightmare for apartment owners. 

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have mitigated and restored multiple commercial water damages in the past year. However, we see apartment water damage as the most common of all the commercial losses. 

Apartment water damage can cause extensive damage to not only one apartment but also the other units in your building. Therefore, the faster apartment water damage is mitigated, the less chance there is for further damage. 

If you are a property manager or an apartment complex owner, this blog post is for you. First, we will review the five most common apartment water damage claims and provide tips on preventing them from occurring. In the end, you will find out why you should contact SERVPRO of North Fulton for your apartment water damage needs.

What is apartment water damage? 

Apartment water damage is what it sounds like: water damage in an apartment complex. However, unlike other forms of water damage, apartment water damage often happens as the result of something that goes wrong in one apartment and affects surrounding units. 

There are many reasons why apartment water damage happens so often, but the top five most common are: 

  1. Broken Pipes 
  2. Clogged Drains 
  3. Appliance Leaks 
  4. Sump Pump Malfunctions 
  5. Heavy rains 

We will be discussing each of these apartment water damage claims in detail to help you better understand how they happen and how you can prevent them from happening in the future.

1. Broken Pipes 

A most common apartment water damage claim is from a broken pipe. A broken pipe usually happens when a pipe freezes and bursts as the ice inside expands. However, it can also occur due to corrosion, which weakens the pipes over time and makes them more susceptible to breaking. 

There are a few things that you can do to prevent pipes from breaking and causing apartment water damage: 

  • Insulate your pipes: This will help to keep them from freezing and bursting in the winter. 
  • Check for leaks regularly: Leaks can cause pipes to break, so it’s essential to check for them regularly and have them fixed as soon as possible. 
  • Know where your water shut-off valve is: In the event of a broken pipe, it’s essential to know where your water shut-off valve is so you can quickly turn off the water and prevent further damage.

2. Clogged Drains 

Clogged drains are another common cause of apartment water damage. A clogged drain can happen when someone tries to flush something down the toilet that doesn’t belong there or if hair and soap buildup in the shower causes a clog. 

There are a few things that you can do to prevent clogged drains: 

  • Don’t flush anything down the toilet except for toilet paper: This is the number one cause of clogged drains. 
  • Install drain strainers in your shower: Drain strainers will catch hair and soap before they can build up and cause a clog. 
  • Clean your drains regularly: This will help to prevent clogs from forming in the first place.

3. Appliance Leaks 

Appliance leaks are another common cause of apartment water damage. An appliance leak can happen when a washing machine, dishwasher, or refrigerator starts to leak water. It can also occur if an ice maker line breaks or if there is a problem with the plumbing that supplies your apartment with water. 

There are a few things that you can do to prevent appliance leaks: 

  • Check your appliances regularly for leaks: This is the best way to catch a leak before it has a chance to cause damage. 
  • Know where your shut-off valves are: In the event of an appliance leak, it’s essential to know where your shut-off valves are so you can quickly turn off the water and prevent further damage. 

4. Sump Pump Malfunctions 

Sump pump malfunctions are another common cause of apartment water damage. A sump pump malfunction can happen when it fails to turn on or doesn’t work correctly and starts to leak water. It can also occur if the power goes out and the sump pump can’t operate. 

There are a few things that you can do to prevent sump pump malfunctions: 

  • Test your sump pump regularly: This is the best way to ensure it’s working correctly. 
  • Have a backup power source: In the event of a power outage, a backup power source will ensure that your sump pump can still operate. 

5. Heavy rains 

Heavy rains can cause apartment water damage in a few different ways:

  • Heavy rains can cause leaks in your apartment’s roof or windows.
  • Heavy rains can flood basements and first floors, leading to water damage in apartment units on higher floors.
  • Heavy rains can overwhelm sewer systems and cause sewage to overflow your apartment complex. 

There are a few things that you can do to prevent apartment water damage from heavy rains: 

  • Check your apartment for leaks regularly: This is the best way to catch a leak before it has a chance to cause damage. 
  • Have a plumber check your apartment’s plumbing regularly: This will help identify any potential problems before they cause sewage to back into your apartment.

How SERVPRO professionals can help in the event of apartment water damage 

If you experience any of these apartment water damage problems, SERVPRO of North Fulton is here to help. Our water damage restoration services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week—so we’re always here when you need us. We have the knowledge and experience to restore your apartment to its original condition quickly and efficiently. 

When you choose to hire our team, you will receive: 

  • An apartment water damage assessment 
  • A tailored water damage restoration plan 
  • The use of our state-of-the-art water damage restoration equipment 
  • The expertise of our IICRC certified water damage restoration technicians

Contact us today to learn more about our apartment water damage restoration services.

5 Most Common Commercial Kitchen Drainage Issues

6/28/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial kitchen drainage issues in a North Fulton County kitchen. The professionals at SERVPRO are ready to tackle any size commercial water damage issue!

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have seen commercial kitchen drainage issues cause severe water damage. 

Commercial kitchens are the heart of any busy business. From cooking to cleaning, a lot goes on in these spaces. Therefore, ensuring that the kitchen drainage system is functioning is essential so everything can run smoothly. 

Here at SERVPRO, we have seen firsthand the consequences of a poorly functioning commercial kitchen drainage system. This blog post will cover the five common issues that can cause problems. If you notice any signs of the problems mentioned in this blog post, it is best to have them fixed as soon as possible to avoid commercial water damage

What is a commercial kitchen drainage issue?

A commercial kitchen drainage issue is any problem that affects the proper functioning of the kitchen drainage system. If there is any issue with the drainage, it can cause water damage, which can lead to costly repairs. Indications of a commercial kitchen drainage issue include: 

  • Water pooling on the floor
  • Slow drains
  • Clogged drains
  • Foul odors coming from the drains
  • Gurgling sounds coming from the drains

What are the five common commercial kitchen drainage issues?

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have mitigated hundreds of water damages caused by commercial kitchen drainage issues, and here are the five most common problems that we see:

1. Clogged sinks

One of the most common commercial kitchen drainage issues is a clogged sink. Sinks can become clogged for various reasons, such as nonliquids entering the drainage system. When a sink becomes clogged, it can cause water to back up and overflow, leading to water damage. 

2. Broken pipes

Another common issue is a broken pipe. Pipes can become damaged for various reasons, such as age, wear, or freezing temperatures. If a pipe breaks, it can cause a severe drainage issue, which can lead to water damage. 

3. Faulty fixtures

Another common issue is faulty fixtures. Fixtures like faucets can become loose or broken over time. If a fixture is not functioning correctly, it can cause water to leak, leading to water damage. 

4. Grease buildup 

One of the most common issues is grease buildup in commercial kitchen drains. Over time, this grease will build up and create a blockage. Remove grease buildup right away to avoid water damage. 

5. Food waste blockages

Another common issue is food waste blockages. Food waste, such as chicken bones or vegetable peelings, can build up over time and create a backup. You will want to remove the food waste to prevent water from backing up and overflowing.

Preventing commercial kitchen drainage issues

One of the best ways to prevent commercial kitchen drainage issues is to be proactive. Regularly cleaning your kitchen drains can help to prevent clogs and blockages. You can also install a grease trap to collect cooking oils and fats. A grease trap will help keep your drains clear and free from blockages. 

If you notice any signs of a drainage issue, be sure to have it fixed as soon as possible. If you wait too long, it can cause severe water damage. 

How SERVPRO of North Fulton can help you resolve any commercial water damage issues

Commercial kitchens are significant spaces for any busy business. Not only do they provide a place for cooking and cleaning, but they also play a vital role in food safety. 

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton are here to help if you have any commercial kitchen drainage issues that cause water damage. We have the knowledge and experience to quickly and efficiently fix the problem. We understand the importance of a functioning commercial kitchen and will work quickly to get your space up and running again. 

When you choose to hire SERVPRO of North Fulton, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. We are an IICRC-certified firm that will work diligently to resolve the issue and minimize the disruption to your business. Contact us today for any commercial water damage needs!

Apartment Mold: 3 Common Causes and What To Do

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

Mold damage in a Alpharetta apartment complex Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for commercial mold damage issues!

Mold is a fungus that thrives in warm, damp apartment complexes. 

All restoration professionals know the significance of having a mold issue. It can cause various structural problems, from staining and discoloration to rot and deterioration. While mold is often a problem affecting homes, it can also be a problem in apartment buildings.

The professionals at SERVPRO have seen apartment mold damage by many different things, but the top three are:

  1. A water leak
  2. Faulty plumbing
  3. HVAC system problems

In the following blog post, we will take a closer look at the causes of apartment mold and what you can do to prevent it. If you suspect that you have a mold problem in your apartment, it's essential to get the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton involved in helping prevent the mold from spreading and causing further damage.

What is mold damage?

Mold damage is damage caused by the growth of mold. There are many different types of mold, and they can cause a variety of problems, from staining and discoloration to rot and deterioration.

The most common types of mold found in apartment complexes are:

  • Alternaria
  • Aspergillus
  • Cladosporium
  • Stachybotrys Chartarum (also known as black mold)

Mold can quickly spread through an apartment building if left unchecked, causing structural damage and making an uncomfortable place to live.

The causes of apartment mold

Many different things can cause apartment mold, but the three most common are:

  1. A water leak
  2. Faulty plumbing
  3. HVAC system problems

A water leak is one of the most common causes of apartment mold. For example, a leak in the roof can quickly lead to mold growth if not mitigated quickly. 

Faulty plumbing is another common cause of apartment mold. If there is a problem with the plumbing, it can allow water to seep into the walls and floors, leading to the growth of mold.

HVAC system problems are also a common cause of apartment mold. If the HVAC system is not working correctly, it can allow moisture to build up in the apartment, leading to the growth of mold.

How to prevent apartment mold

There are many things that you can do to prevent apartment mold. Here is a list of the best ways to avoid apartment mold:

  • Fix any leaks immediately
  • Keep the apartment complex clean and dry
  • Inspect the apartments regularly for signs of mold

Immediately fixing any leaks is one of the most important things that you can do to prevent apartment mold. If a pipe bursts or a leak in the roof, it's essential to get it fixed right away. In addition to repairing leaks, it's also vital to keep the apartment complex clean and dry. Regular cleaning and drying will help to prevent the growth of mold.

Lastly, inspecting the apartments regularly for signs of mold is another essential way to prevent apartment mold. If you see any signs of mold, it's critical to get it cleaned up right away. The sooner you catch it, the easier it will be to clean up.

How SERVPRO of North Fulton can help if you have an apartment mold problem

If you suspect that you have a mold problem in your apartment, it's vital to get the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton involved right away to help prevent the mold from spreading and causing further damage. Our team of IICRC-certified mold remediation experts will work quickly to assess the situation and develop a plan to get rid of the mold. We will also work with you to help prevent the mold from coming back.

If you have an apartment mold problem, don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!

5 Ways Warehouse Mold can Hurt Your Business

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

Warehouse mold that caused structural damage The professionals at SERVPRO are always ready to tackle a warehouse mold issue!

Warehouse mold can have a devastating effect on a business.

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton put this blog post together because many people don't realize that warehouse mold can devastate a business's bottom line. Here are the five ways warehouse mold can hurt a business:

  1. Product contamination
  2. Equipment damage
  3. Hazardous working environment
  4. Property damage
  5. Closure of business

The following blog post will further detail how warehouse mold can hurt your business in each of these five ways. So without further ado, let's get started!

What is warehouse mold?

Warehouse mold is any type of mold that grows in warehouse environments. It is known to create an unsanitary environment, and when left untreated, warehouse mold can have a devastating effect on your business.

The five effects of warehouse mold on your business

When warehouse mold is left untreated, it can have a devastating impact on your business. Here are the five ways warehouse mold can hurt your business:

  1. Product contamination: One of the ways warehouse mold can hurt your business is by contaminating your products. When warehouse mold grows on products, they can be unsafe to sell or use. In some cases, warehouse mold can even cause products to spoil.
  2. Equipment damage: Another way warehouse mold can hurt your business is by damaging your equipment. Warehouse mold can grow on any type of equipment, including refrigeration units, warehouse shelves, and conveyor belts. In some cases, warehouse mold can even cause equipment to rust.
  3. Hazardous working environment: One of the most severe effects of warehouse mold is that it can create a hazardous working environment.
  4. Structural damage: Another severe effect of warehouse mold is that it can damage your property’s structure. Warehouse mold can cause wood to rot, metal rust, and concrete to crumble.
  5. Closure of business: In extreme cases, warehouse mold can even lead to the closure of your business. If warehouse mold is not dealt with promptly, it can cause extensive damage to your property and equipment.

The best ways to prevent warehouse mold from affecting your business

You can do several things to prevent warehouse mold from affecting your business. The most important is to keep your warehouse clean and dry. Make sure to clean up any spills or leaks immediately. In addition, it would be best to inspect your warehouse regularly for signs of mold.

Another way to prevent warehouse mold is to invest in a quality warehouse ventilation system. A quality ventilation system will help to keep your warehouse dry and free of mold spores.

What to do when warehouse mold affects your business

If warehouse mold affects your business, the first thing you should do is identify the source of the problem. Once you have identified the source, you can then take steps to remediate the issue.

Whenever you notice warehouse mold, you must contact a professional mold remediation company to come and assess the situation. They will be able to determine the best course of action to take.

Why trust SERVPRO

When it comes to warehouse mold, it's essential to trust the experts. The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have the training and experience to remediate warehouse mold quickly and effectively.

All of the professionals here at SERVPRO of North Fulton have gone through extensive training by IICRC to work diligently in remediating any warehouse mold. We also understand the importance of preventing warehouse mold from returning. Therefore, we will work with you to find the source of the problem and take steps to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Don't wait to contact us if you think you have a mold problem. We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help you.

The 5 Most Common Causes of Hotel Water Damage

2/22/2022 (Permalink)

Hotel water damage in a hotel room Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for emergency water removal!

The professionals at SERVPRO know that hotels are a common place for water damage to occur.

As a hotel owner or manager, you have a lot on your plate when it comes to the day-to-day operations of running a hotel business. One of the most important jobs of a hotel owner is to ensure that the hotel runs smoothly with little to no interruption.

Arguably the most considerable interruption in the hotel industry is when the property gets hit with significant damages from water, fire, or mold. Water damage is the most common problem that hotel owners face, and it causes severe damage to hotel property.

This blog post will discuss the five most common signs of hotel water damage. We will also list the most common reasons why water damage occurs in hotels. If you're a hotel owner or manager, it's essential to be aware of these signs and take corrective action as soon as possible!

What is water damage, and what are the most common causes?

Water damage occurs when the property is saturated with water. Water damage varies from minor issues such as small leaks or clogged drains to large pipe bursts that cause extensive damage throughout a hotel.

The causes of hotel water damage vary, but here are five of the most common:

  1. Leaky pipes
  2. Flooding from outside sources
  3. Malfunctioning appliances
  4. Clogged drains and sewers
  5. Roof leaks 

Each of these issues can cause significant water damage, and when not addressed, they can lead to some serious long-term problems. Therefore, hotel owners need to be aware of the signs of water damage to address the issue.

What are some of the signs of hotel water damage?

The following are common signs that you have issues with your hotel's water damage:

  • A leaky ceiling: If you notice a leaking or damp spot on your ceiling, then it could be cause for concern. A leaky ceiling can lead to water damage in your hotel rooms and office.
  • A lack of water pressure: When there is low or no water pressure, you may have a burst pipe that needs fixing.
  • Noises coming from water pipes: It is common for hoteliers to hear the pipes make sounds when they are experiencing issues like a burst pipe.
  • Wet carpeting in one room of the hotel or office: If you notice water damage in only one part of your property, it can indicate an issue with a specific pipe.
  • A musty odor around the property: A musty smell can be an indicator that there's a water leak somewhere inside your building. 

How to prevent water damage in your hotel

One of the best ways to prevent water damage in your hotel is knowing what to look for when there are issues. In addition, you will want to do the following to ensure your hotel continues to stay dry:

  • Check your appliances regularly for any malfunctions.
  • Make sure that your drains and sewers are clear and free of debris.
  • Fix any leaks immediately
  • Regularly check your roof for any leaks or damage.

Following these tips will help minimize the chances of water damage occurring in your hotel.

What to do after you detect water damage in your hotel

If you detect any water damage in your hotel, it's vital to take corrective action as soon as possible. The number one best thing you can do is call the IICRC certified professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton. The professionals at SERVPRO know how to handle any size job and can check for small leaks. Unfortunately, small leaks worsen over time and can cause significant water damage.

SERVPRO of North Fulton is ready to assist hotel owners and managers with water damage issues. We are available 24/7 for any emergencies that might arise in your hotel. Please contact us today for more information. We are happy to help!

Avoid School Mold With The #1 Best Mold Cleaning Team

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

A school classroom free of mold Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for commercial mold removal services!

Mold in school buildings should be quickly remediated to ensure a healthy learning environment.

It's no secret that schools are breeding grounds for mold. Kids spend their days in classrooms where the air is often stagnant, and there are plenty of opportunities for water to get tracked underneath the floorboard after it rains outside. With all the staff and students, school buildings become giant Petri dishes for mold spores and other forms of bacteria.

The problem with mold is not just how it looks; it also can disrupt valuable education with its harsh smell. Such an environment isn't one that anyone should be in, especially not students or teachers.

Since mold spores thrive on damp and humid surfaces, schools with poor ventilation, inadequate drying systems, and violations of building codes can find themselves with serious mold problems.

In the following blog post, we will be going over mold in school buildings, how it can occur, and the best way to prevent mold growth in schools. 

What does school mold look like?

Mold is commonly found in damp and humid areas, which may include classrooms. A mold is a form of fungi that grows in wet areas and thrives on organic materials such as wood, paper, or cotton. It appears as patches of moldy black, orange, brown, or white spores.

Why should schools be proactive about preventing and removing mold?

All schools should strive to create a healthy learning environment for children. One aspect of this is the prevention and removal of mold from classrooms, as mold can disrupt time in a classroom with musty odors. To safely clean surfaces for kids and prevent mold from growing, schools need to hire mold remediation professionals at SERVPRO who understand mold spores and their roots.

A mold infestation will require remediation specialists to properly clean the mold and spores from surfaces before allowing children back into the affected area.

How can schools prevent the growth of mold?

Schools need to take mold prevention seriously. The professionals at SERVPRO have found that the number one cause of mold growth comes when a water damage disaster is not properly restored. Therefore, to prevent mold in school buildings, the faculty staff must never try to restore water damages without help from certified water restoration professionals.

One of the best approaches to prevent future mold issues is to design a mold prevention plan for your school building. First, one must establish an action plan with priorities and individual responsibilities assigned to faculty staff to inspect a specific school property area, searching for mold. If mold is found, it should be removed from the surfaces immediately before it becomes a greater problem. Without taking mold prevention measures, schools are risking exposing students to mold spores.

It is best to also schedule regular mold evaluations with a mold remediation professional to prevent future mold outbreaks. The professionals at SERVPRO have found that mold evaluations are the number one best preventative measure to avoid mold growth in the future. 

Wrapping up

We hope you learned that mold in school buildings is not something to take lightly. No matter the size of your school's mold problem, your staff is not trained to handle the issue independently. However, SERVPRO of North Fulton has the experience and expertise needed to remediate mold with minimal disruption. Our IICRC certified SERVPRO professionals will get the job done when they show up with their personal protective gear and industry-standard equipment to ensure that students and staff don't have to deal with musty odors anymore!

Contact our 24/7 emergency crews today if you want help removing mold from surfaces in classrooms and preventing future mold outbreaks.

Boiler Room Mold: The #1 Way to Stop Mold Growth in a Boiler Room

8/24/2021 (Permalink)

A boiler room free from mold damage Contact the professionals at SERVPRO when your boiler room has mold damage!

Boiler rooms are a great environment for mold to grow.

You are likely reading this blog post because the commercial property you own or manage has commercial mold damage inside the boiler room

The team at SERVPRO of North Fulton has put together the following blog post to discuss boiler room mold causes and solutions that can help stop mold growth in your boiler room.

We want to be your go-to provider for mold remediation services and to remind you that all mold damage is removable with the right mold remediation company. 

Why is there boiler room mold damage?

Mold thrives in humid and damp environments, making boiler rooms the perfect environment for mold to grow. A commercial boiler room is known to be the hottest room in a commercial building due to all of the exposed pipes going from the boiler to different systems that need hot water. 

Mold is highly likely to grow in the boiler room when a boiler leak goes unmaintained for a prolonged period. It is common for a boiler leak to occur when a water pipe connection or a valve or pump is damaged. 

It is best to call a plumber that specializes in boiler systems as soon as you notice that your boiler system is leaking water.

A recent boiler room mold damage remediation project

Last month we received a call from a commercial gym in Alpharetta, GA, who wanted to have their ducts cleaned after they smelled a mold-like odor throughout the gym. During the initial walkthrough, we began to search for the cause of the strange mold-like smell. We were not surprised when we finally found the cause of the smell. The boiler room had mold damage on the ceilings and walls, resulting in mold entering the duct system and affecting the entire building.

We explained to the facilities manager of the gym that it would be best if we removed the mold damage before cleaning the ducts because the mold will likely reenter the duct system again and cause the smell to reappear.

Fortunately, the facilities manager took our expert advice and allowed us to start the commercial mold remediation project the following day. Within a few days, the mold remediation project was complete, and we moved on to cleaning the ducts.

In the end, the smell throughout the commercial gym was gone, and an industrial hygienist cleared the building for use after an air quality test proved to determine that the mold had no longer affected the air quality.

The #1 way to stop mold growth

The single best way to stop mold growth in a commercial building is by hiring a mold remediation company that prioritizes removal and air quality. A mold remediation company like SERVPRO of North Fulton provides mold inspections services that include a visual inspection for mold growth, moisture mapping, air sampling, and checking the duct system for signs of mold.

Wrapping up

As we mentioned earlier, boiler rooms are hot and humid environments with inadequate ventilation that create perfect conditions for mold growth. 

The commercial mold remediation professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have seen the most extreme cases of commercial boiler room mold damage. Our professionals have adequate training to stop boiler room mold from causing further damages.

Through training and experience, the team members at SERVPRO of North Fulton are prepared to help remediate boiler room mold issues with certified mold remediation protocols. In addition, all of the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton have gone through extensive training by the IICRC and are available 24/7 for services and questions.

Contact us today!

5 Steps to Take When an Elevator is Impacted by Water Damage

7/27/2021 (Permalink)

Elevator shut down after water damage Contact the commercial water damage professionals for elevator shaft water extraction services!

Elevator water damage often occurs due to it being the lowest point in a commercial property.

The professionals at SERVPRO have restored thousands of commercial water damages. Commercial water damages often occur from a foundation leak, pipe burst, sprinkler malfunction, or flood event. Our IICRC certified restorers know to always check an elevator pit for standing water after any size commercial water disaster occurs.

One can only imagine how terrifying it must be for someone who is stuck in an elevator during a water damage disaster. For this reason, a commercial property owner needs to know what to do when a property's elevator has been affected by water damage. With the right plan in place, all members of a commercial property can avoid all unnecessary panic and chaos caused by elevator water damage. This blog post will discuss five steps a property owner or property manager should take when an elevator has been impacted by water damage.

Step 1) Ensure that there are not any patrons on the elevator

Ensuring that everyone is safe in the commercial property should be a property owner's greatest priority. When an elevator has been impacted by water damage, you or a property manager should go to the elevator and make sure that there are no people inside of it before initiating any other steps.

Step 2) Turn off the elevator power

Water and anything electrical will never go together. A commercial elevator consists of multiple high voltage electrical wiring that will be damaged when coming into contact with water. To avoid electrocution and a power surge, you should shut off all power to the elevator.

Another reason you will want to turn off all of the elevator power is to avoid an electrical fire. Water can touch an exposed elevator electrical wire, causing it to spark and ignite a fire. The last thing a property owner wants is a water and fire damage disaster. 

Step 3) Shut off all water sources

Suppose the water damage was from a broken pipe or a sprinkler system malfunction. In that case, you should make sure that the water supply valve is completely shut off to avoid additional gallons of water damage from occurring.

Step 4) Contact your elevator repair company

Whenever there is damage to an elevator, it is best to contact your elevator repair company to ensure everything is functioning in order.

Step 5) Contact a water restoration company

Contacting a professional water extraction service is crucial when there is water damage in an elevator shaft. A professional water restorer will know how to properly dry the elevator water damage and apply an antimicrobial agent to avoid mold growth.

SERVPRO can handle any size elevator water damage

Countless customers have relied on the professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton for commercial water damages. Our professionals have built a powerful reputation throughout the greater Atlanta region by prioritizing quality customer service and quick response times. In the restoration industry, you must be fast-acting to ensure the damages are mitigated quickly.

If elevator water damage has impacted your business – don't hesitate to call us! We have professionals available 24/7 for any size of commercial water damage. You should also consider calling us too if you are not aware of the location of your property's emergency shut-off valves.

SERVPRO of North Fulton offers a free Emergency Readiness Plan (ERP) for any property owner to ensure their property and members are safe when a disaster happens. Our well-constructed Emergency Readiness Plan will include the location of all emergency shut-off valves, a copy of blueprints, and important contact numbers.

Contact us today!

3 Causes of Flat Roof Leaks: Save Your Business With SERVPRO

7/20/2021 (Permalink)

Flat roof in Atlanta with puddles Contact the restoration professionals at SERVPRO today!

A flat roof leak can result in severe water damage to a commercial property.

One of the most frustrating problems that commercial properties face is flat roof leaks. There are various causes for flat roof leaks, and property owners may get frustrated trying to determine which one it is. If you're not sure what's causing your flat roof leak, you should contact SERVPRO of North Fulton; they offer flat roof restoration services with a comprehensive pricing structure.

In this blog post, we'll cover three common flat roof leak causes so that you can get to the bottom of them before secondary water damages occur.

What is a flat roof leak?

A flat roof leak is when water penetrates the flat roof and finds its way through to the interior of your property. Flat roofs are a popular choice for commercial properties because they're easy to install, inexpensive, and relatively maintenance-free. However, flat roofs have their own set of problems, including leaks that can lead to water damage on all levels.

The 3 causes of flat roof leaks

It's not uncommon for flat roofs to leak. In fact, flat roof leaks are one of the most common commercial issues that we encounter at SERVPRO North Fulton. The three causes of flat roof leaks are as follows:

1) Drainage issues 

The number one cause of a flat roof leak comes from drainage issues. If you notice that there is ponding water on your flat roof, then it is likely that there is a drainage issue. Flat roofs need to be installed in a way that will allow water to runoff without ponding. It is essential to get a flat roof professional inspected when there are drainage issues because it may lead to a sagging roof or structural weakness.

2) Damaged membrane

A damaged membrane is another reason a flat roof leaks. A damaged membrane can happen from various causes like ice dams, tree branches, or hail balls. It is essential to have flat roof repair done if the flat membrane has been compromised because it can lead to leaks inside your building. Another common reason a flat roof has suffered from a damaged membrane is caused by poor installation or lack of maintenance.

3) Old age 

Even the most maintained flat roofs will become susceptible to leaks when they get to a certain age. In addition, the flat roof will become worn over time, and this could also cause leaks. The best way to keep a flat roof from aging will be to start with an initial quality installation with the best roofing materials.

2 types of companies to call for flat roof leaks

When a flat roof leak begins, it might not even be noticeable at first because the water is seeping in slowly! Eventually, a property owner will notice mold growth or wet ceiling tiles as proof that there is a flat roof leak. When it is certain that there is a flat roof leak, there will be two types of companies to call:

  1. A commercial roofing company
  2. A water restoration company

A commercial roofing company will be able to quickly stop a flat roof leak in its tracks. In contrast, a water restoration company will be able to mitigate the damages that occurred.


When a property owner deals with a flat roof leak in and around Atlanta, they need to consider calling SERVPRO of North Fulton. SERVPRO of North Fulton is independently owned and operated by Rick Northen, who has built his SERVPRO franchise to include roof restoration and water damage services.

You can count on the IICRC certified professionals at SERVPRO to help with commercial water damage restoration after a flat leak occurs! Contact us for flat roof restoration services near Atlanta today!

Commercial Water Extraction Services: 3 Classes of Water To Extract

6/15/2021 (Permalink)

Equipment for water extraction services Contact the professional water extractors at SERVPRO today!

SERVPRO offers extensive water extraction services for commercial customers.

Water extraction services are necessary when water damages your commercial property. Commercial water damage can come from various sources such as rain, overflowing toilets, or dishwasher overflow, and each is uniquely classified. The professionals at SERVPRO are often called for water extraction services to remove unwanted water from a property and extract all remaining moisture out of the building materials before repairs. 

Throughout the greater Atlanta area, SERVPRO of North Fulton has become the go-to resource for professional water extraction. This blog post will go over an in-depth description of what water extraction is and the three classifications of water damage according to the IICRC. Read on to find out why our commercial customers always choose us as their primary restoration resource. 

What is water extraction?

In the restoration industry, water extraction is defined as the removal of excess water from the flooring and structure of a property. Water extraction needs to be performed by professional water restorers with qualified certifications and the know-how to use water extraction equipment properly. 

When your commercial property has water damage, you will want to quickly call for water extraction services to avoid secondary water damages. The water extraction professional will ensure the source of water damage is stopped, extract all visible and non-visible water, dry the structure, and dehumidify the water-damaged area.

Equipment needed for water extraction services

To provide the best water extraction services, the professionals at SERVPRO use a powerful truck-mounted water extractor vacuum as their main piece of water extraction equipment. A water extraction vacuum is useful for extracting standing water on the ground, water seeping into the carpet, and water damage in hard-to-reach areas like crawl spaces. 

A professional water restorer will also install air movers and dehumidifiers to remove all water from the structure and the air to assure high-quality water extraction. Water extraction equipment paired with a professional team with IICRC certifications will ensure a dry property.

3 classification of water to extract

All of the water extraction experts here at SERVPRO have been certified by the IICRC. During the certification classes, the water restorer will be tested on the classifications of water and the proper way to extract each classification of water damage. The 3 classifications of water damage:

1) Clean water

According to the IICRC, clean water is caused by leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures, or leaking appliances. Clean water damages are the easiest to extract because they do not contain bacteria or pathogens.

2) Greywater

Greywater is water damage caused by contaminated water, including water from a toilet bowl, dishwasher, or washing machine.

3) Blackwater

Blackwater damage is caused by outdoor flooding and sewage. Blackwater damage is the toughest to extract because the water restoration professional needs to wear PPE and take extra safety precautions when dealing with highly contaminated water.

How much does water extraction cost?

The cost for water extraction services will vary on the amount of damage present and the classification of water that needs extracting. Water damage to a commercial property will commonly be covered by insurance, but only when the water extraction is handled by a certified professional with proper water-extracting equipment.

Contact SERVPRO for water extraction services.

Water extraction services are necessary for any business that suffers from water damage. Water extraction services are offered by SERVPRO and include the following:

  • Quick response time to your commercial property (24/48 hour)
  • IICRC certified professionals
  • Professional use of drying equipment and antimicrobials

Contact SERVPRO of North Fulton if you need help with water extractions in your commercial property today!SERVPRO provides fast, professional cleanup for all classifications of water damage. We have crews on call 24/7, ready to be at your property.

2 Types of Commercial Sprinkler Systems In Commercial Properties

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial sprinkler system in Alpharetta GA Contact the fire and water restoration professionals at SERVPRO today!

Is your business equipped with the right commercial sprinkler system? 

Sprinkler devices are a necessary aspect of any facility's overall fire prevention plan.

Although it's crucial to understand the two types and the differences between sprinkler systems, they should only be installed and maintained by skilled professionals. 

Fire protection is included in numerous new construction projects to secure both the property and its people. Should you install a fire sprinkler system if you don't already have one? How do you know if you've got the right system in place for your company? In this blog post, we will look at different types of sprinkler systems and how they function. 

What is a commercial sprinkler system? 

It is common to see commercial sprinkler systems installed on ceilings or sidewalls of a commercial building. A commercial sprinkler system is an active fire safety mechanism that consists of a water delivery system and provides sufficient flow-rate and pressure to a water delivery piping system, to which the fire sprinklers connect.

How do commercial sprinkler systems work?

Commercial sprinkler systems are activated when high temperatures trigger them. When a fire starts, the air just above it quickly heats up. This hot air rises to the ceiling and spreads. When the air becomes hot enough and enters a sprinkler head, a chain reaction occurs.

In many commercial sprinkler systems, a glass bulb with a glycerin-based liquid is used. When the glass bulb liquid comes into contact with air between 135 and 165 degrees, it expands. As it expands, the glass confines are broken, and the sprinkler head will begin dispersing gallons of water. 

The 2 different types of sprinkler systems:

  1. Hydraulic designed systems 
  2. Pipe schedule systems 

Furthermore, commercial sprinkler systems are divided into five main system types, each of which is designed to the requirements of different facilities to improve response time and maintain the safety of the staff and properties.

Five system types:

  1. Dry pipe
  2. Wet pipe
  3. Foam suppression systems
  4. Deluge
  5. Pre-action systems.

Dry pipe system

Water is not stored in the pipes of dry pipe systems. Instead, they're packed with pressurized nitrogen released when a fire activates the sprinkler head's valves. The pipes are filled up with vapor, which is then discharged over the smoke or fire.

Wet pipe system

Traditional fire sprinklers, also known as wet pipe sprinklers, are the most popular in commercial properties. When a fire breaks out, the heat stimulates the closest sprinkler head, releasing pressurized water held in the pipes. In the event of a false alarm, each sprinkler head is triggered individually, causing water damage.

Foam suppression system

Foam suppression systems are similar to a wet pipe system. Water is stored and flows through a network of pipes and is discharged when triggered. The only difference from a wet pipe system is that a foaming agent will also be discharged from a separately stored piping system.

Deluge system

The Deluge system's sprinkler heads remain open. They lack a heat-sensing feature in the sprinkler head and must be activated by a heat sensor or external smoke. Water fills up the pipes and is distributed to all opened sprinkler heads when high heat is sensed.

Pre-Action system

The pre-action valve opens when smoke or heat is detected, allowing water to enter the pipes. The best function of a pre-action system is the capability for a facility manager to individually turn on the sprinkler heads and spray water on the active fire. In the event of a false alarm, the two-step process allows facilities to turn off the system.

Commercial sprinkler system water damage

As you can see, a commercial sprinkler system decreases the possibility of substantial fire damage when flames erupt in a commercial property. Commercial sprinkler systems, when used with a smoke detector, can shield businesses from fires. However, as useful as sprinkler devices are in mitigating the damage caused by a fire, they often leave mass amounts of water damage when triggered.

Using water indoors to put out a fire leads to a moisture problem that needs to be quickly solved. A triggered commercial sprinkler system will ruin interiors, equipment, wet carpeting, drywall, and other property materials.  

The first step when dealing with both fire and water damage is to hire a reputable restoration specialist. Hiring the right commercial restoration team will ensure that any water damage is handled and treated with professionalism to prevent further damage.

Our team at SERVPRO of North Fulton will follow these steps:

  • Clear out possessions from the area.
  • Remove the water.
  • Properly dry the area.
  • Fully restore and repair the affected area.

Call SERVPRO for sprinkler water damage

SERVPRO is a renowned water restoration vendor in the industry, and it has been serving customers in Alpharetta since 1967. If you want your everyday work life to be normal again after you have suffered any sort of commercial water damage caused by your sprinkler system, SERVPRO will be the most reliable option for you. 

Our IICRC certified team is fully equipped with state-of-the-art tools and has over twenty years of experience in restoring fire/water damage and helping customers with fire insurance claims. Your property will be back in a pre-disaster state in no time. We offer 24/7 emergency services to our customers, so feel free to contact us at any time!

Pesticide Runoff is Commonly Found in Black Water

11/16/2020 (Permalink)

Crops after being sprayed by pesticides  Pesticide runoff may be in your home or business from rainwater flooding

Pesticides Found in Water at A Category 3 Loss

About a billion pounds of pesticides are used by farmers, commercial pesticide applicators, and homeowners on agricultural land, urban areas, and non-cropland around the USA. Although this has benefited the country by making it the largest producer of food globally, it has had some adverse effects on the environment and health.

The biggest concern to the environment and health is groundwater contamination due to all the pesticides resting on the land. Whenever the pesticides are sprayed on plants, they flow under the ground's surface and contaminate it. As well, according to insurance adjusters, when your property has a flood, the bacteria and pesticides found in the water will cause it to be a category three water loss

Common Pesticides Found In Water

Most of the pesticides that are found in groundwater are those which are fused in the soil rather than the plants. For instance, when someone starts spraying pesticides on the crops and plants, it is getting on the soil below instead of the plants, which eventually leads to groundwater contamination. All the pesticides then reach the ground by leaching and runoff. When a flood occurs, the runoff will enter your home or business and be labeled a category 3 water loss.

Water runoff is the movement of water on sloped surfaces. On the other hand, leaching pesticides move with infiltrating water to the water table from the soil. The closer the water table is to the soil, the higher the water's probability of being contaminated. 

You might be wondering why people use such chemicals if they have such a negative impact on the environment and, eventually, our health. Pesticides help control the insects, weeds, and other little harmful organisms that destroy crops and eat plants. Therefore, letting go of pesticides is challenging because farmers don't want their plants and/or crops ruined. 

So, what should you do? 

How To Prevent Pesticides In Water

There are multiple common practices that you can follow to minimize and even prevent water contamination in the long run. Here are some of the most effective ways to do so:

Selecting Appropriate Pesticides

The best thing you can do is choose the appropriate type of pesticide to avoid water contamination. For instance, if the soil is permeable and there is groundwater near the surface, get pesticides with the least leaking potential. Also, take into account all the advisory and precautionary information on the back of the pesticide container.

Prevent Pesticide Backflow

Backflow happens when the water loses its pressure and starts flowing back towards the water source. If this happens, the water source can be contaminated by pesticides, leading to more groundwater being contaminated. An easy way to prevent this is by adding an anti-siphon device!

Proper Pesticide Storage

The next thing you need to do is ensure that the pesticides are safely kept in storage in someplace that is spill-proof and possibly fire-resistant. This will prevent any accidental spillage leading to water contamination. In case of an unfortunate spillage, keep "Spill Kits" near the storage to avoid any extra pollution! 

Filter Pesticides From Water

If you are worried about the water around you being contaminated and you fear for your health, there are some ways you can filter the pesticides from it. Granulated activated carbon (GAC) filters and reverse osmosis are two of the most popular ways to filter water pesticides.

Reverse osmosis is a process that purifies water by allowing the water molecules to pass through the membrane and keep other particles behind, eventually purifying the water. These larger ions or molecules are generally the ones from lead, iron, and pesticides at home.

On the other hand, you can use granulated activated carbon (GAC) filters that remove pesticides by ticking them to charcoal or coal materials. (GAC) filters are relatively inexpensive forms of filtration than reverse osmosis, but it is also not as efficient.


In a nutshell, you can now see that pesticides are often found in water runoff. When a flood occurs, the water runoff will enter your business, causing the damages to be categorized into a category 3 loss. Call SERVPRO of North Fulton today if you are experiencing a flood or water damage from a burst pipe. SERVPRO is available 24/7 and will adhere to the IICRC protocols.

7 Causes Of Commercial Water Damage And How SERVPRO Can Help

9/21/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO truck in the middle of commercial water loss We are available to mitigate any size disaster!

The restoration professionals at SERVPRO know the severity that water damage can cause in the workplace. A water loss can force a business to close, and depending on the severity, it can cause a revenue loss due to the business having to close. If a water damage loss is not properly mitigated, it can also place risk on the health and safety of your employees and customers.

Immediate action is necessary once water damage is spotted!

SERVPRO of North Fulton has seen it all when it comes to water damage losses. We find that commercial water damage restoration is typically more complex than residential water damage restoration due to its intensive approach. 

5 Things To Consider For Commercial Water Losses 

  1. The size and structure of commercial buildings 
  2. The extent of damage 
  3. The varying uses of space 
  4. The number of occupants 
  5. The project timeline

There are seven typical causes of water damages that the professionals at SERVPRO have mitigated. We understand that some water damage issues are inevitable, but they can be preventable, depending on the cause. 

What Are The Causes Of Commercial Water Damage? 

7 typical causes of commercial water damage:

1) Damaged Windows 

If your commercial building has damaged windows that have either been poorly sealed or have cracks in them, moisture may seep in. Moisture to a window seal can cause mold build-up and the wood to the window framing to warp. During a severe storm, a large amount of water may enter the business. It is essential to have your windows and windows seals often checked to prevent water damage from a damaged window. It may be a good idea to hire a local contractor to reseal any windows where the caulking has broken down.

2) Damaged Piping 

As the weather changes, the SERVPRO team gets more calls about bursting pipes. Weather can cause pipes to have pressure changes and possibly even freeze. If you notice any bulging drywall, water stains on walls or floors, loose tiles, or a musty smell, your property may have damaged pipes. SERVPRO will use an infrared camera and moisture meters to see if there is any damage to your commercial building's plumbing.  

3) Foundation Leaks 

A foundation leak is a common cause of poor water irrigation. In most cases, your local landscaping company can come out and make sure that the water is flowing correctly when heavy rainfall occurs. You need to call a reputable company to ensure that the water leak has stopped to the damaged foundation. In severe cases, a foundation leak can go unnoticed for months, causing a huge mold issue. 

4) Leaking Roofs 

We have found that a damaged roof can be a big problem when exposed to heavy rains and snowfall. It is best to have a commercial roof inspected at least once a year to prevent further damage. 

5) HVAC Leaks 

Just like all appliances, a commercial HVAC system has a lifespan. Over time, an HVAC system can wear and cause water leaks. We get HVAC leak calls here at SERVPRO of North Fulton often. To prevent damages, SERVPRO offers duct cleaning to ensure that the HVAC system is functioning correctly. 

6) Sewage System Clogs

A clear indicator that your sewer system has a clog is through gurgling sounds or water backing up out of a drain or toilet. If you believe that your commercial property has a plumbing problem, it is best to call a plumber to come out and take a look to prevent further damages from occurring. If there is a sewage backup, then you should call a certified water damage restoration company immediately.

7) Sprinkler Systems 

Sprinkler systems are great for preventing fire damage. Here in Atlanta, we get calls often after a sprinkler system goes off due to a false alarm. The water inside a sprinkler system typically has sat for years, making these types of water damages very messy. It is essential to inspect your sprinkler systems for leaks and moisture regularly to ensure that it is functioning correctly.


SERVPRO offers a free Emergency Ready Profile for commercial and residential property owners. The goal behind an ERP is to prevent commercial water damage and to have a plan ready when water damage occurs. Having a plan in place can save time and money. 

Commercial Water Damage Restoration

Commercial water damage restoration needs to be handled by certified IICRC professionals. We have encountered many mold projects that have resulted from poor water restoration. To save time and money, it is always best to contact a reputable water restoration company like SERVPRO. SERVPRO of North Fulton is available 24/7 365 days a year for all emergency services. 

Call us at (770) 992-2777 

3 Essential Things To Consider Before Rebuilding After Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

8/24/2020 (Permalink)

fire damage to a Sandy Springs apartment complex. SERVPRO is here to help your through your fire loss

Commercial fire damage can leave a Sandy Springs property destroyed. In this post, you are going to learn what is necessary after a fire loss has occurred.

When your business or commercial property is damaged by fire, the immediate concern needs to be temporary protection and safety precautions. 

For example, let us say an apartment complex had recently undergone a fire loss that had caused fire damage to the commercial roof and windows. In order to prevent further damages, the roof needs to be covered with roof tarps, and the windows and doors need to be boarded. Limiting exposure to the outdoor environment is critical; it will not keep your belongings safe from the outdoor environment, but it will also keep your belongings safe from any theft. 

After any fire occurs, use caution before entering the commercial property. When walking the damaged property, check for broken power lines, gas leaks, and structural damage. If there is wet electrical equipment from the sprinkler system or the Sandy Springs Fire Department, contact an electrician. 

Three critical steps business and commercial property owners should take during a fire loss:

  1. Protection From Contractor Fraud

Make sure that you only hire licensed contractors to do repairs on your commercial property. If you are not certain, you can double-check with your property manager to ensure the contractor is licensed. Keep in mind that if a contractor requests you to pull any permits, then the contractor is most likely not properly licensed. 

  1. Photographs All Damage

Taking photographs of the pre mitigation fire condition of your commercial property will provide proof of damage for insurance. To keep deliberate records, we recommend that you take photos immediately after the damage and before repair work begins. 

If you do not have any damages to your property, then it would be an excellent time to take a complete set of photographs of your commercial property in its current condition. These images will serve as "before" pictures so that insurance is aware of what the property looked like before any damages occurred. Having both sets of photographs will help with the fire damage claim

  1. Assess The Damage And Contact Your Property Manager

After a thorough walkthrough and assessing the fire damage to your commercial property, contact your property manager for information on the required building permits. Permits are required for any demolition or permanent repairs, reconstruction, roofing, filling, and other types of site development. 

The professionals at SERVPRO of North Fulton will simplify the commercial property restoration process by handling both the damage mitigation and rebuild of the affected areas. 

We believe in having one qualified company for the entire fire damage restoration process. Using one company will save you time and keep your costs low. SERVPRO offers a full range of restoration services that will get you back in business and bring your building and property back to full use.

We are here to help!

The team at SERVPRO North Fulton has specialized fire damage restoration training from the IICRC and experience to quickly clean up and restore your commercial building or property "Like it never even happened." 

Call us at (770) 992-2777

Commercial Water Damages As A Result Of Toilet Overflow: What To Do And What Not To Do

8/17/2020 (Permalink)

Toilet overflow water damage Call SERVPRO for all of your water damage restoration services!

Toilet overflow is something that nobody intends to consider, and that the majority of us do not. It's much more than a minor inconvenience when it takes place from either an effective pipeline or a stuck toy, especially when the damages are on an upper floor and filled with contaminated category 2 or 3 water.

When facing water damages from toilet overflow, you are required to ensure that you take the appropriate actions to prevent further destruction to your property and health and wellness of your staff and residents.

How Toilet Overflow Can Damage Your Commercial Property?

Depending upon the layout as well as the location of the washroom within your residence, water from an overflowing toilet can permeate into or completely damage:

  • Drywall
  • Electrical wiring
  • Flooring/baseboards
  • Ceilings of lower level rooms
  • Shower tiling
  • Bathtubs
  • Door trims
  • Cupboards
  • Carpets
  • Any type of uninsulated areas, like below cabinets

How Is Water Damage is Assessed?

As soon as you call an expert water restoration company such as SERVPRO to look at the affected area, they will evaluate the damages based upon the quality of the water and the class of the loss.

There are 3 categories of water quality:

Category 1, also known as clean water, is sanitary water that does not present a threat to health; this generally originates from a busted water supply line.

Category 2, also known as greywater, is water that has been contaminated to some extent and can cause illness.

Category 3 (" black water") is the most harmful and consists of raw sewage, fungus, bacteria, as well as various other microbes that can trigger extreme health issues.

On top of that, there are four classes of water loss, depending on the magnitude of damages:

Class 1 water damage is when only low-porosity and also low-permeability materials in the area are impacted. Including materials like linoleum, wood floorings as well as fixtures, and floor tile.

Class 2 water damage is when the water has impacted the entire room/area of your property; consisting of structures and up to 2 feet of water infiltration up any wall surfaces.

Class 3 water damage is when essentially all of the areas have been saturated with the overflowing water. Ceilings, insulation, structures, furnishings, cushions, carpets, and much more, are impacted.

Class 4 water damage is when low-porosity, low-permeability materials like concrete, stone, and also hardwood are saturated. Considering that the water can get caught in hard-to-reach pockets, they vaporize much more slowly as well as call for unique strategies to completely dry.

DO's and DON'TS of Handling Toilet Overflow

DO get in touch with an expert company as well as your insurance provider immediately.

Even if you're insured for water damage, several insurance companies include a mitigation clause that requires you to prevent additional damage. If you do not promptly hire a professional to evaluate the problem, your insurance might decline your coverage. SERVPRO of North Fulton is readily available 24/7 to react to your needs, begin repair services, and instantly assist you with the insurance case process.

DO work with a trusted expert to rebuild the water-damaged areas of your property.

Even if you have experience in commercial construction, do not take care of the impacted areas on your own, especially if your property was constructed before 1980. property owners that attempt to demolish damaged drywall on construction before 1980 might be exposed to asbestos. Lastly, ensure that the business is IICRC certified as well as updated on training.

DO NOT attempt to clean up the flooding on your own.

Category 2, as well as 3 water, is dangerous for you and your loved ones' health and wellness. Furthermore, temporarily being exposed to the pathogens can result in illness. Contain the water if you can, however, ensure to steer clear of the affected area until professionals show up.

DO NOT assume that there are no damages due to the fact that it isn't immediately noticeable.

Considering that the full extent of the damages commonly isn't visible to the naked eye, many property owners think that there isn't any kind of damages and commonly fail to obtain professional aid before things get even worse. If your bathroom is on an upper level, this could lead to a collapse in the lower level ceiling.

DO NOT ventilate the area before help arrives. While it might help reduce odors and dry the area, it also spreads out any possible microorganisms throughout your property.


At SERVPRO of North Fulton, we understand how discouraging it can be to navigate the restoration process to your property after water damage. If you're a Sandy Springs property manager dealing with the impacts of toilet overflow or any other commercial flooding, we're here to provide you with the quick service you deserve.  

Call us at (770) 992-2777 

The Leading Causes of Fires in A 30068 Business | SERVPRO of North Fulton

7/20/2020 (Permalink)

Partnering With A Fire Damage Restoration Team Can Help Relieve The Stress That Fires Bring.

We have witnessed that many business owners have never-ending responsibilities. In our opinion, the most significant responsibility that a business owner has is safety factors regarding the potential risks to your business, staff, and visitors.

To help relieve the stress from further risks after a fire, the team at SERVPRO of North Fulton has a free service called an Emergency Ready Plan (ERP for short). An ERP will help the business owner know precisely what steps to take when fire damage occurs.

While creating your ERP plan, a certified SERVPRO professional will take a look around your property, and the best plan of action will be when your building structure undergoes a fire. 

A SERVPRO ERP helps a business owner know what steps needed to take after a fire occurs. Planning for and working toward preventing fires will be the job of a local fire marshal and can take some time, but with a detailed plan in action, we can guarantee that you will be back to full operation quicker than if you didn't have a plan at all. 

The Leading Causes of Commercial Structure Fires

According to a report published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the leading causes of commercial structure fires are: 

  1. Cooking equipment, 29% of fires
  2. Electrical distribution and lighting equipment, 12% of fires
  3. Heating equipment, 11% of fires
  4. Intentional, 10% of fires
  5. Smoking materials, 9% of fires
  6. Exposure, 4% of fires
  7. Electronic, office or entertainment equipment, 3% of fires

How To Further Protect Your Business

The number one way to protect your business from a potential fire is to know the best fire prevention tips. When you and your staff are aware of prevention tips, the chance of a fire breaking out will reduce.

First, you must assess the fire hazard risk and know the places for a potential fire at your property. As we stated prior, you will want to get in contact with your local Fire marshal; they can offer advice and help identify the business risks, guiding your fire prevention plan.

Choosing the best fire protection equipment.

When you have the option to choose a commercial building that you want to do business in, you must make sure that they include an automatic sprinkler system, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers on each floor.

Lastly, we want to emphasize sharing the plan with your employees. The employees of any business are the ones that are client-facing. With employees being aware of the fire prevention plan they can then communicate it effectively to the visitors in case of an emergency. The best way to train your staff is by conducting regular fire drills so that the fire safety protocol is fresh in everyone's mind. Aswell, provide quarterly meetings to review evacuation plans and routes and location of any medical aid kits.

Everyone needs to know what to do in the case of a fire. Despite best efforts with fire prevention and safety tips, the worst could always happen at your business. We are here to help when a fire disrupts your business. We offer immediate service and will treat your property as if it were our own. 

Call us at (770) 992-2777 

More about Sandy Springs

Is Your Commercial Property Affected by Mold from Water Damage?

4/27/2020 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO, we care about your health and well-being. Any size of water damage to a property is not a small matter. No matter the source whether a storm, leak, or natural disaster, water damage leaves a lasting impression on the areas it touches even long after it can appear to be cleaned up or dried out. 

Water is excellent at finding its way into any and all possible places it can fit from the walls to the carpet to the foundation itself. If water is not properly cleaned up and dried out it can leave behind a foundation for other problems, and one, in particular, is black mold. 

Controlling the amount of moisture throughout your property includes keeping areas dry and not letting moisture sit for long amounts of time. Clean up spills on the floor, clean out your gutters, and keep air conditioning drip pans clean. If there are generally more moist areas in your property than others, you can also use things such as a dehumidifier to remove the moisture from the air effectively. A large cause of mold in the first place is not properly repairing, cleaning, and drying out space after water gets into it. This can include things such as plumbing or roofing leaks. Just because the leak has been stopped doesn’t mean that water hasn’t gotten in and has pooled somewhere. It is best after any water damage to have an IICRC trained professional come and inspect and properly clean out your home to ensure no mold can develop and spread. 

Give SERVPRO of North Fulton a call at (770) 992-2777 for any water damage or mold inspections to keep your home or business safe. If water has unfortunately made it into your property, let the professionals, like the experts here at SERVPRO help you.

How To Know When A Commercial Mold Job Has Been Completed

4/20/2020 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO of North Fulton, mold cleaning is a service that we take seriously because if not performed correctly the mold can spread rapidly to non-affected areas. We have important steps and precautions that we take into consideration when working on a mold remediation job. Our IICRC trained staff knows that it is important to contain the affected area with containment. The reason that we use containment barriers is so that the mold spores are not spreading throughout other areas of the home or business. After the affected area is contained, we then know that we can perform the mold-cleaning job.

Our SERVPRO professionals will:

Remove all water damage/mold-infested materials.

Remove and replace the affected drywall.

Clean and disinfect walls/carpets/ and other personal items.

Filter the contaminated air to remove any debris or spores.

The best way to know that a mold job has been completed to its fullest is through a post-mold remediation inspection.  The first inspection that our SERVPRO professionals will perform is a visual inspection to see if any mold is still present. The next inspection test that will be conducted is moisture measurements. The human eye is not always able to see if moisture is present. Our team will use moisture meters and infrared cameras to detect whether there is any moisture hidden behind walls or under flooring. The last part of the inspection is not always conducted but important. For a homeowner to be one hundred percent positive, we will bring out one of our industrial hygienist vendors to take air samples. The industrial hygienist takes separate samples in different areas of the building because not all areas are impacted to the same degree. Once all three parts of the mold inspection (visual, moisture measurements, air samples) are performed will give you a report that tells you the mold remediation process has been completed.

Hidden Mold Damage to Structural Components and Interior Contents of Properties in Alpharetta

3/30/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO takes a mold infestation in your property or business seriously. As a darkness-loving microorganism, mold easily avoids detection by human eyes. This ability to quickly gain a strong foothold provides microbes more than enough time to cause damage inside an Alpharetta apartment complex. The areas affected might stay hidden until a tenant moves in or out. Or a rearranging of furniture.

Once a property manager in Alpharetta discovers mold damage, they should immediately start remediation to repair the situation. Beginning the repair work and other aspects of restoration as soon as possible helps to prevent several different problems from occurring or escalating. Keeping mold and spores contained through the use of temporary barrier walls, double-bagging, and quick disposal keeps them from spreading. Rendering them incapable of spreading protects people and any uncontaminated areas of your home. 

When a project involves areas damaged by microbial activity, many contractors refuse to continue until after an expert remediation team removes the moldy materials. This is because not only can mold cause health effects but can also infest new materials. Completely removing any ruined materials protects people's health and your investment. 

During storage in the warehouse, special measures ensure that your new building materials and supplies arrive safely and without any defects. The responsibility of preventing cross-contamination within your home now rests upon your shoulders. Our SERVPRO IICRC trained technicians are ready to help you protect your home and new materials from the hazards that microbes can introduce.

Rearranging furniture, even within a room, can reveal mold growing on walls behind furniture. Other locations that often suffer in the presence of mold include floors under large pieces of furniture and also around window frames. Many mold spores can easily collect underneath a bed or couch, while window frames collect spores from the air outside as it moves through tiny cracks. 

Before placing furniture pieces in their newly intended spots, calling  SERVPRO to clean up the mold can help remove the excess microbial population and give your apartment a fresh start. Doing so can help keep your residence free of excessive mold in the future and protect other tenants from future mold issues. 

 SERVPRO North Fulton can be contacted by calling our local number (770) 992-2777, 24-hours every day of the year. When you discover mold, call us to help prevent mold damage from spreading and growing to other areas of your property.

Can Water Damage in Your Apartment Affect Your Neighbors?

3/30/2020 (Permalink)

Apartments are convenient for many reasons, like cost, location, and in-building facilities. One factor that can be a benefit or a drawback is the relationship between neighbors of an apartment building. One apartment’s water damage can easily become water damage for surrounding neighbors. If you’ve experienced water damage of any kind in your apartment, for example:

• A burst pipe

• Overflowed toilet

• Cracks in bath causing flooding

• Large spills

• Dysfunctional appliances

It is possible that the water damage in your apartment could reach the apartment below or beside you. Being that water is heavy in large quantities, can break through the material when built up, and flows through all kinds of materials laterally, then it’s more than likely that the damage might reach another neighbor. Don’t feel bad; it’s a prevalent issue, and the physical properties of water cause it to spread quickly through floors. So, what do you do?

• Contact Your Property Manager

• Recommend SERVPRO as Your Commercial Water Restoration Specialist

• Alert Neighbors to Check for Water Damage

The property manager will repair the damage for both you and your neighbor. When SERVPRO of North Fulton arrives at the scene, they’ll finish the rest of the restoration process, which is a five-step process.

• Contact (This is what you and your property manager did in calling SERVPRO)

• Assessment (SERVPRO reviews the damage and creates a plan)

• Drying (Using their equipment, the drying process begins)

• Salvage (Any water-damaged material that isn’t ruined is now restored)

• Restoration (Ensuring the quality of every damaged content)

Does the Size of Property Change the Restoration Process?

3/16/2020 (Permalink)

The proper restoration process does not change based on The size of a property. The process can slide on a scale of necessary equipment and workforce but remains the same. For instance, if you had two floors of completely saturated flooring, one plan might be two individuals running each level with as many tools as needed in the assessment. While for homeowners, a restoration company with fewer capabilities could get the work done promptly, we must consider the smaller surface area of possible damage and the amount of equipment needed. However, commercial properties require a reputable restoration company that can handle any size disaster. The best bet for a commercial property in need of any type of restoration, whether its fire, water, mold, or storm damage, is a company that has an ample supply of equipment at hand. The volume of equipment and workforce that SERVPRO of North Fulton has allows quick response time and quick restore time. Our franchise can have an ample number of technicians, and tools can be at any location in a prompt time. In the past, SERVPRO has helped restore several commercial properties, including:

  • Office buildings
  • Retail stores
  • Strip malls 
  • Apartment buildings
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants

Don’t worry about the size of the damage, the tenements or individuals affected by the restoration process, or anything else that might prohibit the smooth running of the business. That will be little to no concern with SERVPRO, who knows efficiency and can create a flexible restoration plan that works around business operations, allowing you to keep running or to be back as quickly as possible.

The First Thing to Do When Your North Fulton Property is Damaged

2/17/2020 (Permalink)

Downtown Alpharetta Downtown Alpharetta, Georgia

When damage occurs in a commercial property, the capacity for the spread of damage is much higher than in personal property. From surface area to multiple floors, there’s far more to consider when repairing a commercial property. The quantity of people using bathrooms, sinks, ovens, and other appliances raises the risk factor of accidental damage taking place. When it does occur, it can create a decent mound of stress for any property manager in charge of maintenance and restoration. Make sure to take the first, important steps:

Take pictures of everything. You’ll want to remember each part that needs to be fixed and make sure everything is returned to normal.

Ensure your restoration professional has the right equipment. In order for any restoration professional to cover a large surface area or multiple floors, depending on the structure of your commercial property, they’re going to need a large quantity of equipment and workforce. Equipment includes: Dehumidifiers (for restoring humidity), air movers (for drying quickly), truck-mounted vacuums (for drying surface water), and negative air machines (for trapping contaminated air).

Call the right restoration professional. SERVPRO of North Fulton is a large restoration company, with over 1,700 locations nationwide. They know what the standards are for a professional restoration job, and they have a large quantity of equipment and employees to bring their best effort to the table, regardless of the size of the project.

If you’re a property manager, unsure where to start with a little or big restoration job, call SERVPRO of North Fulton to take the weight off your shoulders. In just one call you can alert SERVPRO of the necessary procedures needed to take care of the damage in a time-efficient manner and return operations to normal. While businesses are not immune to any restoration needs, time is the most valuable consideration in commercial restoration projects. Your business will be returned to normal as soon as you call your local SERVPRO.

Sandy Springs Commercial Flood Damage Professionals

3/13/2018 (Permalink)

If your auto shop's crawlspace experiences regular flooding during rainstorms, SERVPRO can install a crawl space system to prevent future flooding.

SERVPRO Works to Remediate and Prevent Future Flood Damage

If a storm ever hits town, excessive rains and high-speed winds likely take place. It is a possibility that your Sandy Springs auto shop gets affected by the poor weather. If the storm is severe, then flooding likely occurs.

One of the first places water flows during a flood is into the crawl space of your business' building. SERVPRO's commercial flood damage experts in Sandy Springs use specialized equipment to remove water from crawl spaces. Many times tight spaces underneath your structure are hard to access and reach with drying equipment.

When water gets into a crawl space, the area often fills up with thick, muddy water. Submersible pumps are efficient at sucking up standing water but sometimes prove difficult when attempting to remove all of the moisture. Once extraction gets completed, structural drying takes place.

Many automobile repair businesses store extra supplies underneath the office portion of their shop. When water gets into the storage area of your company, it is essential that we dry the area so that contents do not get negatively affected. If there is convenient access to the area, air movers and dehumidifiers get set up to speed up drying of the floor joists. If the crawl space's access point is too small, then either a section of the sub-floor get removed, or hoses from hot air sources get fed into the tight dwelling.

Some mechanical shops have a problem with crawl spaces filling up with water every time it rains. If you notice water underneath your business every time a storm hits your town, then after we remediate the issue we can install a crawl space encapsulating system. The system contains a submersible pump located in a hole dug in a low spot of the crawl space. The rest of the area is covered with plastic so that the area is not affected by ground moisture and the wooden floor joists do not get affected by the moisture in the crawl space.

The crawl space system is one of the ways that we prevent future issues from happening. If your auto shop's crawlspace ever has an excessive moisture problem, call SERVPRO of North Fulton County at (770) 992-2777 for assistance 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Visit for more information on Sandy Springs.

Controlling Odors Related to Flood Damage in a Sandy Springs Diner

2/13/2018 (Permalink)

The highly skilled technicians at SERVPRO can remove odors left behind by flood damage in your commercial space.

Rely on SERVPRO to Get Your Business Looking and Smelling Clean after Flood Damage

Flooding can happen so suddenly, giving business owners little time to prepare for the impact. Sandy Springs continues to gain more businesses, both large and small, creating constant construction and building activity in and around the area. This construction often includes new parking lots and the repaving of roads. These and other kinds of construction can mean rainfall drains in new and unexpected ways.

At times, the manner in which precipitation travels through Sandy Springs puts businesses at increased risk of flood damage. With less porous ground available to swallow up the rain because of substantial, impenetrable roadways and lots, the amount of water increases rapidly. When water accumulates in an area, flooding can occur suddenly. Not only does this cause damage from the water itself, but other problems quickly develop. These can remain after flooding recedes and mitigation work ensues.

Part of flood damage mitigation should include odor control. Floodwaters contain organic debris, including parasites, microscopic pathogens, and one-celled microbes. As these decay, they give off odors that can become highly disturbing. Not only must diner and restaurant owners deal with the flooding itself, and the restoration of their business, but the odors can impose an unnecessary hardship. However, SERVPRO employs IICRC-certified Odor Control Technicians (OCT) who can remedy these situations.

Once we complete the cleaning and restoration of your diner, including kitchen facilities and seating sections, we can eliminate the odor-causing particles left behind. Because floodwaters become absorbed by porous materials, hydroxyl machines help immensely in eliminating the odors that can detract from your patron's enjoyment. We know your staff works hard to provide an environment suitable for guests of all ages and backgrounds, but detestable odors can make all your efforts worthless.

Helping restore your business after flood damage means it must not only look clean, but it must also smell clean, too. Otherwise, your business risks losing customers, meaning a staggering decline in profits, and the ability to remain in business. At SERVPRO of North Fulton County, we are your neighbors, living locally and always ready to help. Call us at our round-the-clock number, (770) 992-2777, whenever your business suffers from flood damage.

Click here for more information on Sandy Springs, Georgia.

SERVPRO's ERP For Large Office Buildings MItigates Water Damage in Sandy Springs

1/28/2018 (Permalink)

The ERP Helps Many Sandy Spring Area Businesses Minimize Water Losses--Call SERVPRO for a Free Consultation

Many Institutions and Commercial Enterprises Rely on SERVPRO to Help Prevent and Mitigate Water Losses

For some damage restoration companies, conducting large-scale water damage repairs on office buildings in Sandy Springs can be very difficult. In the event of a sprinkler malfunction, upper floor flood, or other disasters, the vertical nature of many office spaces in the city can pose a significant challenge even for experienced restoration professionals like SERVPRO. However, with the help of the SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile system, you can make sure that your office receives the care and treatment it needs without sacrificing the slightest bit of lagtime from communication to execution. SERVPRO ERP?

The commercial Emergency READY Profile Program is a mobile app that allows locations like offices in Sandy Beach to report water damage and other disasters as soon as they happen and provide many details with no additional time or hassle. To use the system, just log on to the website or download our free app and create a profile for your business. Better yet, arrange an appointment for a consultation. If you own or manage multiple locations, you can create individual profiles for each one. Then, you can upload any documents that may be of use to us so that we can access them at will in the event of an emergency. This is a excellent manner of quickly getting critical information on larger buildings like high rises and office spaces to our technicians.
Benefits of Using the System
A profile in the Emergency READY Profile system allows you to operate your company with a higher degree of security, knowing that help for any disaster is only the press of a button away. Prevention is a large segment of the ERP, we help you identify hot-spots, and areas of concern. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Should water damage in any form happen to the building, you can alert SERVPRO and have our IICRC certified technicians sent out with only the push of a button. Furthermore, while procuring essential documents can sometimes be both difficult and time-consuming, we can reduce both the difficulty and time spent to zero, as any information we need is at our fingertips. If we need additional documents, we just let you know.

SERVPRO of North Fulton County has years of experience working in the local area and knows the ins and outs of water damage to larger office spaces. Call us 24/7 at (770) 992-2777.

A lot about this city by clicking here.

Commercial Water Removal Is Essential To Get Your Alpharetta Clothing Store Up And Running

12/15/2017 (Permalink)

Timing is critical when it comes to water removal from your clothing store.

Commercial Water Removal

Clothing stores and water damage don't go hand in hand. Not only do you lose business, but you also stand a chance of damaging your inventory if you don't act fast. Being prepared and seeking professional help for water removal is your best chance to minimize the damage to your Alpharetta store.

SERVPRO has helped millions of business owners to restore commercial water damage to their businesses. We have the expertise, the technical knowledge and the equipment to get your Alpharetta clothing store back on its feet in no time. We can not only help you restore any structural damage, but also protect and restore your inventory.

We understand that keeping the shutters of your shop closed can be expensive. We can get to work immediately after the first assessment and work with you to develop a plan that suits your needs.

A Multi-Step Approach
SERVPRO technicians use a multi-step plan for commercial water removal and restoration. Depending on the amount of water in the establishment, our technicians use hand-held pumps or call in our pump trucks for fast water removal. With these trucks, we can get rid of the water in no time.

The residual moisture is removed by using dehumidifying equipment and high-efficiency air movers. We also offer deodorizing services if the water damage has caused any odors to develop in your establishment.

Items such as furniture, display cases, and inventory can be cleaned and dried on site. If the damage is extensive, we also offer off-site restoration in our facilities. We have a crew of specialists that are trained to restore the most delicate and expensive items as well.

Timing is critical when it comes to water removal from your clothing store. Call SERVPRO of North Fulton County at (770) 992-2777 today to schedule an appointment. Talk to one of our experts and inform us about your situation as soon as you can. We are Faster To Any Size Disaster, no matter the size and severity.

For more about the city of Alpharetta click here.

When Is a Store Pack-Out Necessary During Water Removal in Alpharetta?

11/1/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO understands the importance of getting your doors open again, so we work quickly to restore your business after water damage.

Thorough Water Removal Services

One of the most distressing parts of water damage to your Alpharetta store is the disruption it causes. As any business owner knows, even one unplanned closure might cause a loss of profit, because customers cannot come in and buy if you are not open. All it takes is one leaking appliance or damaged roof to cause costly damage to your business. SERVPRO understands the importance of getting back in business as soon as possible after water damage.

We always focus on the quickest and most efficient solution for water removal in Alpharetta. Sometimes a pack-out is the most efficient option. A pack-out means we remove inventory and business items from your store while our team carries out water removal at your premises.

We assess each situation on an individual basis to decide whether a pack-out is necessary. Sometimes removing items from the premises is the quickest way to remediate the situation and restore your business. In some cases, there is extensive water damage and working with existing stock and business furniture in situ is difficult. In those cases, it is better to clear the space so we can work more efficiently.

Another benefit of a pack-out is that we remove your items to one of our specialized storage and cleaning facilities. Our storage locations contain specialist cleaning equipment such as patented Esporta wash systems and ultrasonic cleaning. We also have access to freeze-drying facilities for the preservation and restoration of essential books and documents.

SERVPRO understands that it is daunting to hand over your stock and perhaps electronics, books, or office furniture, to a third party. That is why we take care of your items as if they were our own. We carefully log everything we remove, and our drivers use professional packing equipment to secure your possessions in our vans.

Once your facility is empty, we set to work removing water and drying out the premises. We use moisture probes to check for dampness inside carpets, under floors, within walls, and behind baseboards. Rest assured that we do not stop until your building is dry and ready for use once more.

For help with water removal in Johns Creek, Crabapple, Birmingham, Alpharetta and surrounding areas, call SERVPRO of North Fulton County at (770) 992-2777 today.

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Commercial Water Removal Services for a Water-Soaked Restaurant in Alpharetta

8/2/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Removes Water From Restaurants in Alpharetta--Keeping the Doors Open and the Food Safe

SERVPRO Works Hard to Keep Your Eatery Open after Water Damage

Water damage in a restaurant can be devastating to the restaurant owner. Whether the cause is internal such as a ruptured pipe or external like a natural disaster, it is important to act quickly to save the restaurant and prevent loss of property. Depending on the extent of the damage, the owner may have to close the business if there has been structural devastation.

If water damage in your Alpharetta restaurant affects your business, you can count on SERVPRO for quick and efficient commercial water removal. Our IICRC-certified technicians are highly skilled in dealing with water damage emergencies in restaurants.

Drying the Structure
The idea is to get rid of excess water and return the restaurant to normal conditions. SERVPRO technicians use truck mount pumps, and portable submersible pumps to remove standing water over two inches high in the affected area. This step is useful to speed up the water removal process, considering that truck-mounts can extract thousands of gallons a day.
Drying occurs faster when the temperature in the room is between 70 and 90 degrees F since hot air tends to hold more moisture. In the absence of heat, our technicians use portable heaters. The drying process is rather technical. Overheating the structure on the first drying days can cause excess moisture in the air, leading to secondary damage. There is a balancing technique to expedite evaporation while not damaging porous materials like furniture and walls with a too rapid elimination of moisture.
It is also important to lower relative humidity during the water removal. The RH needs to be at a particular level to accelerate the drying process. To do this, we have to remove some of the moisture in the air. After the first day or so of drying, the relative humidity should be less than 40 percent.
Another significant factor to consider when drying is air movement. The air in a water-damaged restaurant is usually damp and humid, which slows evaporation. Our staff can blow the damp air out and replace it with warm, dry air to quicken drying. We can utilize lay flat ducting, which when expanded with air movers or air scrubbers acts as huge conduits to channel water vapor ladened air to the exterior.
Commercial water removal in a restaurant can be daunting. You need to ensure that your business meets acceptable industry standards. As a locally owned company, SERVPRO of North Fulton County can respond quickly to provide the necessary water removal services. Call us anytime - (770) 992-2777.

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Quickly Mitigating Commercial Flood Damage Keeps Residents Safe In Birmingham Nursing Facilities

4/8/2017 (Permalink)

Working quickly helps protect everyone associated with your facility from possible complications that flooding can cause.

Mitigating Commercial Flood Damage

An influx of water from a broken water main can cause panic among those who can flee the area, but the elderly are not as capable of doing the same. Bedridden patients are most likely the least likely to try to leave the facility, but those patients who can walk may not realize the dangers that a water main break can cause. In the chaos that such water can cause, nursing staff and doctors can expect to have a multitude of problems on their hands, with both patients and flooded areas.

Nursing homes and hospice care centers in Birmingham are relied on by patients and their families to provide excellent care, but commercial flood damage can threaten not just their safety but also normal daily operations long after the water has been cleaned up. SERVPRO knows that your facility is more than just a place of employment for your employees, but that it is also home to your patients. Any disaster can greatly interfere with the peace and quiet that your resident patients expect.

Because of their expectations and needs, as well as your own, we can work quickly and efficiently to minimize disruptions. Working this way helps protect everyone associated with your facility from possible complications that flooding can cause.

After the water has been removed, we can begin working on the restoration and cleaning processes that are needed to bring your facility back up to par. If you find that your patients are uncomfortable because of our equipment, we can work with you to find a solution that provides relief to them but is still sufficient in bringing your facility back to a dry condition. Large air movers, dehumidifiers, heaters, and air scrubbers can create noise but must be left running until normal moisture levels are achieved.

Because we do not want patients to move to other areas unnecessarily, we can use items that are safe to be around. These can include hydroxyl-producing machines instead of ozone machines. Hydroxyl-producing machines are safe around people, plants, and wet carpeting, unlike their ozone-producing equivalents. Also, when we apply mold inhibitors to walls and other porous or semi-porous surfaces, we always use safe salt-based treatments that, after drying, pose no risk to anyone.

When you have water problems that result in commercial flood damage in your facility, SERVPRO of North Fulton County wants you to know that we have family in the area, also. We want to assist you in the continuation of providing services to your patients. Call us at (770) 992-2777 for any emergency that threatens your facility's safety and ability to operate normally.

Fast Fire Damage Odor Remediation Allows Roswell Hotel To Remain Open

2/8/2017 (Permalink)

Odors carried by smoke cannot simply be covered up with air fresheners.

Odor Remediation

Your quick-thinking staff extinguishes a fire before structures sustain damage, yet smoke odor issues threaten to ruin your guests’ lodging experience. Avoid a long-term closure of your hotel by teaming with SERVPRO to remediate the odor and remove the smoke evidence even a brief fire can cause.

The on-site laundry facilities flirt with potential fire damage daily at your Roswell hotel. Piles of dirty linens near cleaning solutions and oily or greasy rags put your business at risk of a spark that smolders or bursts into flame. If your staff is vigilant and discovers the problem before fire engulfs the laundry room, damaging smoke, and irritating odors, still move throughout common areas and guest accommodations. Our trained and certified technicians know exactly how to remediate smoke damage quickly, without requiring a total closure of your business and the bad press that follows.

Avoid the temptation to have your housekeeping employees manage the smoke residue left by the fire damage. No matter how skilled your crew is when cleaning up regular guest messes the grime, dirt, and smell of a laundry room fire responds best to the techniques of SERVPRO’s smoke removal experts. Odors carried by smoke cannot simply be covered up with air fresheners. SERVPRO has staff who specialize in fire damage, ready to deodorize smoky smells.

Your guests deserve and expect to have healthy, clean smelling air at all times. Our deodorization methods use a variety of techniques matched to the way the odor infiltrated guest rooms, lobbies, and hallways. The SERVPRO team dispatched to your property assesses each area affected by malodors and determines how best to eliminate the smell. We identify the sources of smoky smells and dispose of burned linens and ash or other debris floating throughout the building. Once no obvious sources of the smell remain, we use a chemical fogger to recreate the “fog” of smoke that caused the smell. This technique deactivates the smell of the microscopic particles in the air, removing this final odor source. In some cases, an ozone machine also helps with residual odors. Chemical foggers and ozone machines must be applied or operated only by certified technicians such as our staff. These options swiftly clear the air without one canceled reservation.

Go online and ask “which commercial smoke odor remediation service is near me” and SERVPRO of North Fulton County tops the list. Call (770) 992-2777 for an immediate inspection of your hotel’s smoke damage.

Commercial Mold Damage Affecting Alpharetta

1/12/2017 (Permalink)

Moldy Bread and Restaurants in Alpharetta Require SERVPRO Remediation

Restaurants and Businesses Can Benefit from a SERVPRO Mold Remediation Service

Every day you go into work, preparing food in your kitchen and servicing customers. As a small restaurant owner, you take great pride in providing your patrons with a quality experience that they can't get anywhere else. A true nightmare for you and your business would be something causing you to close down for any length of time. So, proper maintenance is vital to maintaining a clean, safe, environment for your customers to enjoy. Making sure that your appliances, pots, pans, and dishes receive the proper maintenance is essential. But let's not lose track of properly maintaining your plumbing or other heavy moisture areas, where mold could easily develop, under the right conditions.
Keeping the doors open to your restaurant in Alpharetta and offering you the mold remediation services you require is a job we take very seriously. We are locally owned, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and have access to the proper resources to provide you with quality services to adequately mediate any mold problems that exist in your business. We can quickly restore your kitchen, washroom or storeroom to a quality pre-damage condition, "Like it never even happened." Our staff is qualified to help you fill out any insurance claim paperwork and even teaches you how to avoid these sort of events from happening in the future. Place a call to us today and put our services to the test, you will not be disappointed.
Not sure if you're experiencing a mold infestation? They usually begin with a musty, damp smell that develops in a small area. By the time you can see the signs it has already reached a point that professional chemicals and equipment, like those offered at SERVPRO, are necessary to get your mold problem under control. Ask us about a complimentary mold inspection; though we suggest you get a third party company for a thorough investigation. Microscopic spores exist almost everywhere within our environment. If the right conditions are met, such as a dark, wet area, it can spread out of control and enter areas we don't want it to be. If there is enough water to maintain a wet area over a prolonged period, it is almost a guarantee that mold has begun growing already.
SERVPRO technicians respond quickly and work fast to mitigate secondary damages from developing. It takes as little as 48 hours for mold to start spreading after exposure to water. Mold spores grow into colonies and produce allergens and irritants. We use specialized equipment to contain, filter and remove mold infested materials from your place of business.
SERVPRO also offers content restoration for all of your inventory and equipment We will pre-test the materials to determine which items are viable for recovery. Then we utilize various cleaning methods to return them to a quality pre-damage condition. Specific protocols are followed to ensure that there is no cross-contamination from the mold remediation service.
Contact SERVPRO of North Fulton County today for all of your mold damage restoration needs. (770) 992-2777

How to Save a Basement Stockroom from Commercial Water Damage in Newtown

11/27/2016 (Permalink)

Minimize Loss in a Commercial Business in Newtown with Fast Water Extraction

SERVPRO Works Fast to Extract Water from Your Business

Some business owners believe that, once flooding strikes, there’s nothing much that you can do to save damaged property and possessions. Fortunately, however, this is not the case. If you respond quickly and seek help as soon as you spot the problem, SERVPRO can take steps to minimize the destruction.

Speed is vital, particularly for smaller businesses like local stores, pharmacies, and homeware outlets outside of the big cities – businesses that don’t have huge profit margins and can be easily devastated by internal flooding. For Newton basement stockrooms, commercial water damage can be a hard task to rectify. Lots of stores keep their surplus products below ground level and if the area gets wet, so does the stock.

This guide to dealing with a stockroom flood can give you some advice on how to respond, what to do, and whom to call.

Acting Fast
The quicker you respond, the more chance that we’ll have to save your products. So, before you start trying to identify the source of the water damage (if it is not obvious), get in touch with the experts at SERVPRO. Our technicians are highly skilled and trained in the art of leak detection. They have access to sophisticated moisture readers and pinpoint the source of flooding in minutes.

Calling for Help
Plus, we are a local company so that we can get out to your location fast. It is safer, if the flooding is high, you wait outside the building until the team arrives. However, we understand that you may want to start moving stock items out of the water damaged basement. You must only do this if you are confident that the stockroom is free of structural and electrical hazards. If wiring has been compromised, please allow the SERVPRO team to neutralize the danger before entering.

Saving the Stock
Even in small stores, a basement stockroom can be worth thousands of dollars. Flooding puts a huge hole in profits, so it is our job to save as many items as possible. The success of this process will depend on the nature of your stock, the severity of the damage, and how it was packaged and secured. It boxes were lifted off the ground, for example, they have a good chance of making it out unscathed (if a little damp).

Drying the Basement
Once the basement has been entirely cleared of items and furniture (you can then start your inventory), we will set up industrial grade pumps to eliminate the water. The first stage is pumping the large amounts of standing water back out. Only after it is gone will we be able to assess its impact on the foundation. Basements which have been specially lined and built with water damage resistance in mind are designed to contain the liquid so that it does not seep into foundations. In the future, it is worth investing in a sump pump for subterranean spaces to mitigate the accumulation of unwanted water and moisture.

This is just a basic guide to the way in which a water damage restoration team would approach a stockroom flood. SERVPRO of North Fulton County has access to a whole range of industrial pumping and drying machines. We can also bring in high-powered fans to direct clean, fresh air into the building and eradicate odors. Call us 24/7 at (770) 992-2777.

Alpharetta Commercial Fire Damage Information

12/11/2015 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO When the Fire Trucks Are Gone to Get Your Business Back in Business

SERVPRO Can Restore an Alpharetta Business After Fire Damage Has Closed the Doors

When Alpharetta fire damage strikes your commercial property, you need to know what steps must be taken to mitigate the disaster from destroying your office and business. Learn more about the negative impact of fires and why a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO can accomplish the difficult tasks to restore your business property.

The impact of the fire damage can render your office or retail space inoperable until a fire damage restoration team from SERVPRO can deal with some of the following problems.

• Standing water--the first responders probably left accumulate volumes of water that must be removed as quickly as possible. Powerful water pumps, sump pumps, and portable and rideable wet vacs can be used by skilled technicians.

• Moisture--the follow-up to water removal is more refined in the detection and elimination of moisture and condensation in hidden voids and visible areas of the business structure. Air movers and dehumidifiers do the job. The drying process helps deter mold proliferation and damage to inventory.

• Smoke damage--incomplete combustion depending on the type of fuel burnt, the heat of the flames, the length of the event, and extinguishing source will dictate its severity. The smoke can circulate through the HVAC system, so that must be disengaged promptly.

• Soot damage--oily residue that sets on hard surfaces like desks, flooring, filing cabinets, walls, ceilings, and electronics. Special sponges, tools, and cleaning agents are required for major wipe down. The step lessens the need for discarding materials like drywall or drop-ceilings.

• Corrosive gasses-- another reason why clean up is essential
• Nitrogen  • Hydrocarbons  •   Sulfur ---by-products of combustion can cause some of the following conditions and fire-damage:
• Within seconds, metal and steel surfaces can begin to discolor.
• Within minutes, marble, plastics, and small appliances can discolor.
• Within hours, coated steel, chrome plumbing fixtures, brass, grout, fiberglass, hardwood, and upholstered furniture can discolor.
• Within days, vinyl floors, ceilings, clothing, and painted walls can discolor.
• Within weeks, crystal and china can etch and pit.
Unfortunately, fire damage can start to deteriorate your property with shocking speed.

What Can A Fire Damage Restoration Company Do?
We begin with a thorough property assessment that enables us to determine the nature and scope of the damages. Since we have working relationships with over 315 insurance companies, property management companies, and govt agencies, chances are we can work toward a mutual and rapid solution. We will then move forward with the cleanup, drying, and repair and restoration services. 

• Content restoration--critical to your business. Stock, merchandise, office furniture and such can be cleaned on-site or packed and sent to our facilities for cleaning and restoration. For sensitive electronic devices, we can call in a third party to assist. Our IICRC certified technicians engage in industry standards for clean ups.
• Sanitation--application of antifungal, anti-bacterial, and cleaning products
• Deodorization--after odor removal
• odor removal--using foggers and industrial air scrubbers, air duct cleaning
• Smoke removal--special tools, equipment, and techniques are used.
• Air duct cleaning  • vent cleaning

Call SERVPRO For Fire Damage Restoration Services

With 57 years franchise wide experience, SERVPRO has become the industry leader because of our commitment to offering detail-oriented, client-centered services that get results. Our IICRC-certified professionals utilize contemporary technology and advanced methodologies to restore your Alpharetta fire damaged property quickly. We also offer 24/7 emergency services. Our aim is to expediently, efficiently, and safely allow you to re-open your doors for business so that you may get back to business.

Commercial Restoration Presents Unique Challenges

SERVPRO of North Fulton County has the training, experience, and equipment to handle large and small commercial fire damage emergencies. Whether your fire emergency occurs in a restaurant, small shop, motel, or office building, we will respond quickly to mitigate the damage, whether in Alpharetta, Johns Creek or Roswell, and manage the restoration project through to its completion. Learn more about SERVPRO of North Fulton County training and certifications. Call us 24/7 for help. (770) 992-2777

Roswell Commercial Water Damage: What to Do

6/18/2015 (Permalink)

Water damage can happen in any building.

Commercial Water Damage: What to Do

Water damage can happen in any building. However, commercial property tends to sustain greater damage because they are often empty at night, during holidays, and on weekends. Plus Roswell water damage can occur and do damage to parts of commercial structures that are not used often. If your commercial structure has sustained water
damage and you do not want it to lead to bigger problems, you should call the professionals at SERVPRO. We have the equipment, staff, and experience to quickly identify the source of the problem and repair the damage.

Preventing Water Damage to Commercial Properties
Preventing Roswell water damage to commercial property requires diligence, proper planning, and being proactive. Small leaks left unaddressed can lead to serious damage, invite mold, and lead to health problems. People who own commercial structures should have systems in place to perform regular maintenance to appliances, equipment, plumbing, roofs, and gutters. Prompt action should be taken when a problem is identified. Making time to remove debris from roofs, fix small leaks, and inspect areas that are prone to water damage can prevent serious and expensive repairs to your property.

What to Do If You Have Water Damage
Quick, effective action is the key to containing and stopping water damage. At the first sign of Roswell water damage, call in the professionals at SERVPRO. We know exactly what to do to address the problem, limit your losses, and protect your valuable equipment, inventory, and documents. We can quickly stop the water intrusion, clean up the damage, and restore your property. Water emergencies can happen at any time. Putting a plan in place which includes contact numbers for reputable, experienced, water damage repair companies and your insurance company can make a dramatic difference.

Choose a Water Restoration Company Carefully
A good water restoration company should be available 24/7, have the appropriate equipment, training, certification, and experience, be able to provide an accurate estimate for the cost of the work prior to beginning their cleanup, do high-quality work, and have the ability to help you get your business back up and running fast. At SERVEPRO we do all those things and more. We are water damage cleanup experts with the experience to get the job done right. We have been providing the highest quality cleanup and restoration services for commercial property for many years. Call us today with any questions you may have or to schedule our service.

Commercial Building Restoration Services

SERVPRO of North Fulton County is available 24 hours a day to restore your Alpharetta property and get you back to business. We have the expertise, equipment, and highly trained personnel to handle your commercial water, fire, or mold damage. We can also access the resources of our national network of 1,650 Franchises to handle large commercial projects and major storm events. Learn more about our commercial restoration services: